
Any idea what it is? I don't know the names of the individual weapons well enough to be sure.

A good soup doesn't have butter or flour, IMHO.

Just like the pepper-spray incident with the tree-sitters in 1997, people don't understand:

Wasn't the shotgun, but it wasn't the BFG 9000 either. Looking at the original cover, I'm actually not sure what it was. Has a magazine hanging below the weapon though, which neither the shotgun or BFG 9000 had.

Oooh! Mature disagreement with another's opinion, coupled with a statement of one's own opposing opinion!

Ah, someone that understands!

What the fuck are you talking about, "cheap shot?"

Clearly, neither you nor Pleth are musicians.

I've never really enjoyed any games on the PS3.

See my other comments (admittedly too lazy to re-type my opinion, but not too lazy to respond to your comment thereby giving you a place to find the response you want).

I never said that nothing was good about the music.

See, I don't understand why so few people (including you) are totally clueless on how criticism works.

That doesn't even make any sense.

See my other comments (admittedly too lazy to re-type my opinion, but not too lazy to respond to your comment thereby giving you a place to find the response you want).

Got it. Stating an opinion is a "dick move."

Meh. Doesn't look that entertaining to me.

Yeah I love the strategy. I don't always have the highest number of kills, but I regularly have the highest K:D ratio, and I think it's because I'm taking my time, even if I am "running and gunning."

Training doesn't work for everyone, I guess.

Sony has been effing up pretty bad in the vidja games market since the launch of the PS3, IMHO.

How snobbish!