
Did you read my comment?

There's an increase in school violence?

I always saw the female character from Half Life as (author's words) a "brown woman." Was she not? Did I just have my monitor settings screwed up?

I didn't post that to indicate that I didn't think the rest had merit. I posted that so that those reading it would know that my perspective is based solely on the first paragraph.

I hated Gunstringer. It didn't control worth a shit.

The voice controls alone on the kinect are worth it IMHO. I can't tell you how awesome it is to be able to tell Netflix to put on the next episode without having to figure out where I left the controller.




Read the first paragraph, skipped the rest. Fact remains, my childhood is certainly being fucked with (though not "ruined").

The best part is the DN devs always freely admitted to "stealing" Ash lines as an homage. They stole from a dozen other characters that fit the personality they were looking for as well.

The Japanese are actually pretty notorious for the elite treating their subordinates like garbage. Where have you been?

Do you really think that business isn't all about money and greed? Even more so for those that claim it's not?

Wow. This guy is as hateful to others as they are to him. The constant applications of stereotypes to the people leaving hateful comments that have no basis in the real world make him no better than the people he is speaking out against. For example, saying that homophobes think ketchup is a vegetable. WTF??? Just

This game has been out, and free, for over a year.

Sheperd did not die in my ending. They ent out of their way to show you that, even though you were told she would die, she did not. She lived. Don't know where your "end of story" comment came from, because this isn't debatable, it's in the goddam game LOL.

Ah, so you never knew the love of a third-party OS on the PS3.

App is software that runs within an OS. That's why we don't call OSs apps.

NO ONE has to, at least not in this country (US).
