
It doesn't look to me like wither of those cities is more or less polluted than the other in the image above.

Yeah, SC4 was a total letdown for me. That was why I didn't buy SCV when I saw it on sale for cheap, I thought to myself "not worth it if it resembles SC4 at all"

Has there never been a single violent crime in your area???

SC2 is still the best I've played, though I've heard that 3 is good. I've only played 1, 2, and 4.

I do agree that mags like Maxim (and most porn, etc) do sometimes instill a quite unrealistic fantasy about how the opposite sex should act, or what sex should be like, in some people that are exposed to such media.

This doesn't sound legit.

LOL they BOTH suck.

"App" is corret int his case.

MS hasn't had a good OS since 95, maybe even 3.1

This is typically allowed and acceptable in Japan, according to a good friend of mine whom is a Japanese citizen. The only reason this was a "crime" is because she died.

This is novel?

Saw this for cheapo the other day, glad I didn't buy it.

"Objectifying women?"


I don't really have the time to address your entire post, but every single "plot hole" you list is actually thoroughly explained if you re-play the Earth part of the end of the game.

I would agree that is true in most literature.

TOTALLY possible it was a hallucination.

I shot him.

All of my comrades survived that final assault.

EA didn't make the game, so i bet you're safe.