
Brass players have great lips.

Cold, no soul.

For me, it seems appropriate after a year or so to start spoiling plots, though I wouldn't expect anyone to check for movies that "seemed" a year old.

Word. That man is a freakin genius.

While The Simpsons DVD commentaries are some of the ONLY commentary tracks I've ever thoroughly enjoyed, there are many where the commenters are cracking up because they didn't remember which jokes were coming. There are also many where they specifically state they watched the episode the night before because they

Thanks for the spoilers, DICK!!!

This word, "linear."

Play the game and you'll change your tune.

I did the same thing.

Name a game that's NOT a series of repetitive tasks.

I LOVED the Riddick games. Just wanted to get that out of the way. If anyone here hasn't played them, you can find dirt-cheap copies of Assault on Dark Athena, which includes a remastered version of Escape From Butcher Bay as a bonus. If you're in to the cannon of the Riddick universe, there's GREAT story there,

That sounds about right.

There are a lot of things a prosecutor would try to get thrown out if it wasn't being used in their favor, yet they would jump at the opportunity to use it in their own favor if they could.

That sounds like a good plan. I haven't unlocked the overkill perk yet. Is it red, blue or yellow? I'm really only into sacrificing the yellow perk at this time, but I'll give it a shot nonetheless.

I have been flat-out told by several friends in the service that it's the only reason they married their high school girlfriends before they shipped off. They cared about her, wasn't sure if they really wanted a lifetime commitment, but didn't want to have her left with nothing if the only reason they "broke up" was

I wouldn't have minded if it actually looked like this LOL. The game is just that good.

I couldn't help it.

Nope. They can't confirm it was you using the account.

Didn't a couple of teenagers in Canada meet via WoW and conspire to rape, kill, and burn the body of a fellow student?

I use the FMG-9 akimbo as my secondary, and do most of my running with those equipped so I move faster. If I come across someone at close range they're wasted, if it's long range I duck behind cover and switch weapons. If I think I've been spotted AT ALL I just retreat.