
But then he wouldn't have been humiliated in front of his friends, family, fellow servicemen, and the whole world via the Internet, and nothing would have changed.

Gotta marry the soon-to-be-soldier as quick as you can.

If I couldn't shoot people in a virtual world, I might do so in real life.

Mormon state.

What's, with, all, the, commas, I, think, you, may, not, know, how, to, use, them, properly.

Sure you can.

The PP90M1 has really weak range though. That's why I liked the AK-74u. Damn-near identical in performance to the AK-47 for some reason, but more maneuverable and a KILLER up-close.


Uh, my K/D is usually at least 3:1 and I don't camp. Running and gunning works well for me, especially indoors with akimbo machine pistols.

Dude, they know.

LOL. The entire Internet disagrees with you, have you heard of Google? It's "carat."

LOL it's spelled "carat" not "caret." My iPhone "fixed" the spelling.

ACTUALLY, it's spelled "carat" and that is the ^ symbol. Not my fault my iPhone "fixed" the spelling.

I haven't finished the main quest in Skyrim yet, in fact I've barely touched it. However, in past TES games I've found that the sidequests are often more engaging and fun than the main quest.

I was 80 hours into Oblivion before I completed the main quest (I did all the guild quests first, and some others).

y'all missed a carrot in the footer.


I don't understand why they're overhauling it, except to add XBL features.

Author has never played Forza 4 I guess.

Your argument is worthless.