Master Turkey

Diablo 3, but I wish it was Zelda. Maybe a little TitanFall 2 for the FPS itch.

That’s not Archer. Handsome Jack pretending to be Archer maybe...

I went to grade school in a place looked down upon by the rest of the county. “XXXverTucky” or “XXXverHole” as it was called, was home to folks with lower income or farmers. It’s hard to explain it, but let’s just say that my freshman year of High School (private school) they made me repeat Algebra because they didn’t

Welcome to paradise.

So... we aren’t getting a PC release for this?

20 hours. oops.

Titanfall 1 : 730 (Hours of Gameplay)x25$=$18,250.

Woman after my own heart. Though in my circumstances coming from a PC made digging Halo really rough. Even harder was that everyone and their mom was playing it (at the time). I reckon being easy to play was part of the mass appeal. There’s too many good FPS on PC to have to stoop so low. Sometimes it’s cool to watch

Exorcising my right as a heterosexual male to say that this is hot. Not hate or shade towards any communities of peoples. What tracer does in the privacy of her own home on Christmas (or out in public for that matter) is her own damn business. Spread love not hate friends.

Get clippers. Make sure your clippers are clipping as close to the piece as possible, without damaging the part. Use sanding sticks to sand nubs that are left over.

Play close attention to the instructions and orientation of each piece.


For Steam too. Yay! Pc love.

Trying to finish Farcry4 and GOW4.

This game was a ton of fun. Like a first person Gears of War, but better than gears. Not the best story, but the game mechanics and just plain old fun to be had was awesome. I’m glad they are doing this.

That’s the photo. For sure. Which makes the time line all crazy. Thanks for giving me lots to think about.

That was awesome.

Wow. That’s incredible. SPM, I wonder if that’s one of the Supremes. They were a really good crew in TF1.

I just recently got seen by 1 enemy. Didn’t notice until far along in the level and had overwritten a save. This article makes my OCD even more inflamed. Looks like I’ll be starting an old save and working my way back up to where I was. FML.

This looks incredible.