Master Turkey


Few people know this, but Dr. Robotnik is actually really into alien fart p0rn.

Drizzt was an unlockable character in the first or second title. I’m very pleased I can choose him right out the gate. Even better, it’s a game centered around his character. If I don’t get battle cat though I’m ragging!

Wait... PC Towers can be used to game on?

I see someone stole my Westworld idea but just did a better job. Kudos. I’ll take partial points please. Send my winnings to 123 GTFO ave.

Clap Trap wants to help with the robot uprising...

Zing Bot Calls in Sick on Big Brother and his stand in...

I feel like you’ve already won with a great gears one.

We took the pile of cash, go fuck yourselves” and.... scene!

We’ve had more issues with Door Dash than any other delivery service. More than 3 times we’ve had someone lie about delivering food. This causes us to have to call Customer Service and they then leave you on hold and more often than not disconnect the phone call, causing you to have to call back. In lower income

“pro” FPS using a controller with auto-aim? This seems like an oxymoron to me, someone convince me I’m incorrect.