
The Xoom has a better battery life than the iPad, just so you know.

They should've endorsed Four Loko and called it Daft Crunk.

What's the subscription rate?

What kind of problems would those be?

I bet Libyan officials thought they were pretty smart by not topping off the fuel reserves of the planes...

Rest easy, I don't foresee a mass exodus of people on planes soon.

Seems like premature ejaction...

That's awesome! I think I'll get this for my new car.

I wouldn't have seen "The Social Network" if it wasn't on the flight movie option when I came back from Puerto Rico. I'm just like you.

"Inception" was a great blockbuster movie. It's not the type of material that wins THE Oscar, but you have to give credit where it's due; it was smart, but not complex enough to scare the masses away. I wouldn't mind if it won, although I have to admit I haven't seen "The Fighter".

But the interest rates can kill you.


Gizmodo is vying to replace FB.

Gizmodo being insensitive to earthquakes? Shocking!

I noticed the L pipe on top of the it supposed to be a snorkeling motif?

Nobody's claiming Apple's the only one. It's just a stat that shows Apple has more product placement than most other brands.

Dear Chinese unicorn grinders,

First off, I know we have to defend Apple around these parts, but unless you have specific examples, saying "but the other guys do it too!" is not an excuse. Second, we all agreed Apple is in a unique position, and they have more leverage to influence a change. Ignoring their abuse for the sake of profits is totally

While I wouldn't say this only happens with Apple, I do think changing your device every year just for the sake of having the latest and greatest is stupid, irresponsible, and shows callousness to the people who work day and night in these factories trying to meet demand.

They're writing it as we speak on an IBM Thinkpad.