
Haha...I actually walked out of Inception feeling pretty smart. It's one of the few "smart" movies I actually understood almost entirely from the first viewing. I could probably see someone wondering the deeper questions, but the concepts are very straightforward.

I don't think it's a necessarily bad thing; I still think I have some child in me, enough to be interested in old school kids' fare. Well done, of course.

I searched for lolcats and it only gave me 1 image! What gives, China? I can haz unsenzurship?

"Redesign...don't think".

And I'm glad he does - how else am I supposed to know which news is more important?

I can't wait for NFC to take off, so we won't need any addons.

What about USCA?!? I need to get my curling fix!

Isn't it still better than landfills?

What, is your phone made out of glass or some....oh, wait....

Oh mean to tell me I can buy a tablet and use it as a TV screen in another room?!? SAWWWWWWEEEEET!!

Is that Ubuntu? Cool!

Prevent furniture fires only you can...

It comes from the religious practice of "tithe", where a 10% donation is required to support the church. In this case, it's Apple's version of "tithe", even if it's not one tenth.

Wow. I finally saw a WP7 device out in the wild last week.

I always found employment credit checks to be absurd. Ok, so I have bad credit because I don't have a steady job to pay the bills with...but I can't get a steady job to pay the bills with because I have bad credit....what?!

The Incredible Hulk would simply rip the wheel off...and walk to where he wants to go.

Lies! There are no hot chicks on the internet!...

Airplay is not DLNA. Airplay only works with Apple devices, but DLNA works with products from multiple manufacturers. Please don't confuse people.

A lot of devices nowadays claim 1080p playback, but anybody who understands the terminology would know the device itself doesn't play video in 1080p. This is nothing new.