
You mean you've never had face?

Food is not as appetizing when you're taking a dump right next to your meal.

One for each.

Wow...I cannot even imagine that much snow.

Whaddaya mean too many Playstations? They're not forcing you to buy ALL their products, you know. Some people might actually like this, others will buy another product instead. What's the big deal?

If you're like me, there's a couple of PS1 games I never played but I wanted to. And I've got a looong list.

That's a great idea! Remote PS3 play on your tablet.

BTW, did I mention that FB still doesn't know who I am?

While I'm glad it was a lighthearted ending, I don't think this is pink slip worthy in most places (maybe AA or a Catholic charity....)

5. ?????

I know, it's so damn confusing going out to Staples to buy Android for my phone...which one should I pick??

But why should Google sit on updates when it's the manufacturers trying to load their phones with lardware?? At least if I cared enough about updates (which most people really don't), I'd get to choose a manufacturer that pushes them in a timely manner.

This x10.

LOL... you guys are crazy... waste of a perfectly good bear trap...


Yes, I'm sure they get some perks. The question is, how much different can they really make on Wp7? Will they be allowed to change as much as they would with Android? I guess my confusion stems from the fact they claim to want more control over the OS, but as close as they are with MS, I doubt they'll ever get as much

Like I said, total coincidence...

It'll search for porn.

The money will be donated to the Packard Bell Center, dedicated to helping PCs with memory and build disabilies, like the Dell Dimension 4600 and the Apple III.

What is a Gizmodo blog post?