
Why not Kratos?

It's Jupiter pulling the strings. Obviously he's afraid of competition.

They're gravity-abiding citizens just like everybody else. It's not like they're stealing other planet's moons being here.

I guess what they meant was that Apple is contracting many different components from Samsung, so it's like a large scale shopping spree.

I wonder if Giz thought we're all WSJ subscribers.

Smart deal. They can't lose.

More like a necessary move, seeing how the shortage in component supply was the alleged reason they couldn't sell more iDevices.

This looks 'shopped...

Or deport it.

Stop wearing your sunglasses at night.

Hot Pockets will be cold in the middle, but white hot on the outside to make sure your tongue can never taste again.

Gimme back my GI-Joe Limited Edition Battle tank!

*See "Cuil"

I think you have to look at tablets as extensions of the smartphone, not as laptop alternatives. I guess we'll eventually get to that point once they figure it out, but tablets are fill ins for the type of things you can't do comfortably on a smartphone (like web browsing and such). For now, their functions are

Until they make an interactive sex app coupled with a fleshlight case... fill in the blanks.

Too late - Damage done. Whoever's idea was to put that on Best Buy must've been bloody insane.

Most people use tablets in landscape.

Just to let you know dude, if you wanna contribute to the discussion, bring a full sentence reply and explain yourself.

Just to let you know dude, if you wanna contribute to the discussion, bring a full sentence reply and explain yourself.