
In other words, he forgot the #sarcasm tag.

I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that Apple is fixing their notification system right after their competitors show theirs.

There's a problem with that: Microsoft is not allowing anyone to customize WP7. So they're in the same position, only stuck with a platform that is not only unproven, but cannot be differentiated from the other WP7 handsets.

When they say "Google Experience Device", do they mean it'll be stock Android?

Samsung Super Duper AMOLED XD Infinity B2 Ultimate

...and wrong about 4"+ phones.

Haha! Didn't think you'd actually do it!

Surprises: The supposed land of hot women, Sweden, looking quite average compared to the rest of the world. And Brazil not being on the list. What gives?!

Take all of them and mash 'em together.

Except if you're Samoan...urgh.

So do you admit you look average?

You mean "they" is smokin'...

In the picture there's at least an African American.

Well, when you have the money Apple has, why not buy your problems away?

Hmm...good point.

These phones are definitely slick looking. I really hope they're still giving Android a chance, because I'm definitely not into WP7. many good tablets coming up. I can't wait for the comparisons.

AFAIK, AT&T is the most restrictive of the carriers. I can get PDANet/Easytether just fine on Sprint without any workarounds.

Interesting to note that Apple has already butted heads with Universal Music, which is the biggest label of the Big Four (with Sony being the second). I don't know if Sony by themselves has enough power to sway the rest of the industry, but if those two pull out, Apple's got a problem.