
I think you should be able to play a file in your HD home stereo, drop that same file into a portable player and keep listening. Of course, the quality of portable audio is limited, but it's the only way you can have true harmony between all your audio devices.

This isn't about stopping piracy - it's about finding another alternative to iTunes. Of course the people who won't pay for music will keep doing it.

There's also Amazon, you know?

Hey, the Beatles estate hung in there until they got what they wanted. Of course, for Sony to pull this off they need a way to sustain profits until another solution is found. - A iTunes non user.

My name is Master_Soda, and I approve this message.

Not sure I'd say that for a basketball game that requires you to shoot. DD can probably get by with imprecise controls.

It's amazing how iPhone customers stuck it out with a service they hate, knowing there are better options for other carriers. I mean if you're paying a premium getting no service, you must be allergic to money.

Good thing I'm a customer and not a Sprint stockholder, because then I would care about such thing.


No, the ones who stayed don't get to keep their belongings.

...then they bite the apple and it all gets screwed up?.....OOOOOOH, I SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE!

It doesn't make sense to me. What does Nokia get from MS in return? More sales? WP7 is struggling with that itself, so what leads them to believe that slapping it onto their smartphones will improve their position? Maybe there's something I'm not seeing and someone can help me out. Is it the incentives MS offered to

Momma said Nokia out.

Yeah, because Android fans are totally against having choices... #trollpatrol

It'd be a shame to see Meego...well...go.

I already use Google to plan my trips, so anything that makes it easier is certainly welcome.

So much for "cannot tell a lie", huh?

I feel ya. I want to like this, it's like a beautiful Android interface, but I fear about support issues 5 years from now.

When they say 2/3 smaller, I assume they mean thinner and with less bezel, right? I don't know if you can make the screen any smaller without making it difficult to read (or type. Yikes!) Anyways, this would certainly be a weird move by Apple. Are they ready to offer a second, cheaper version of the iPhone? I guess I

What a shame. Was actually looking forward to replacing my current Dell Inspiron with one of these either refurb or lightly used.