
@DrGonzho: OMG! I almost pissed myself laughing!

@pj_rage: Something else to consider: the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 were not in authority to take action either, even if they thought they were in danger.

@jooom: Well, I stole socks.

@Mandeep Singh: I love when he starts crying, he sounds just like I think the Waaambulance would. LOL!

@Settings: I'm picturing Justin Bieber....and he went "Ow....that didn't feel good!"

@Settings: I don't think the old guy punched him because he was an Android fan. This was a kid not following directions that are in place to protect the passengers. And he didn't batter him; he just punched him in the arm.

@Hami83: Back then, if your neighbor found you doing something wrong, he'd beat you first, take you to your parents, explain what he did, why he did it, and leave it to them to finish the beating.

@badhatharry: Actually, that method of raising kids was pretty common back in the day, you know, when kids didn't pick up guns and went on school rampages because some kid punched him in the arm...

@meanspirit: Can we first off dismiss the notion that physical force has no place in a civilized society? Because I don't know how you could justify disarming law enforcement officials for your utopian world.

@hpmw: It might not be that the rule is "silly" might simply be a case of authority not setting the example.

@KamWrex: I think the correct terminology is "girlie men"...

@Zac Terrones: Gov. Ed Rendell would puke if he heard this story.

@Standish: "the kid could be arrest when they land"

@leoaugust: I wouldn't say he deserved it (since I don't have enough information to pass judgement), but I feel no sympathy for the kid not obeying instructions.

@tylerbrainerd: Doesn't change the fact that a 15 year old won't be taught a lesson by anyone trying to reason with him. We're not in the 60's anymore. He'll just laugh it off and keep doing the same.

@VolumePlus: Maybe they should make the prongs of non-conductive material.