@devoidmeat: I'd love to attend that rally, but I personally disapprove of picketing.
@devoidmeat: I'd love to attend that rally, but I personally disapprove of picketing.
@LegacyCrono: My guess is those keys are remnants of the time when pretty much everyone who had a PC was a programmer. Makes sense; the keyboard is overdue for a revamp.
@CaptainJack: I think that's exactly what they have now; you double tap shift to lock caps.
@vinod1978: Actually, some businesses are already making the switch to cloud based services, so I don't think they're as hesitant as you think. One of the interesting things about new technologies is coming up with answers to old questions.
@zipeater: We need to go deeper...
@AcidSpoon: That's because Macbooks look like testing unit laptops.
@Settings: I know I'm gonna get hate for this too....but Mac design is soo simplistic it looks like no design work went into it. Kinda like this prototype.
@YellowRex: I'd like to try this out on the netbook I already have. Wonder if I can make a bootable thumb drive w/ ChromeOS...
@MxPxRobbie: I'm just glad the tech nerd in you was able to beat the crap out of your inner a-hole.
@pixelsnader: I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!
Did we really need this explained, or we just needed another article about the yet to be announced Verizon iPhone?
If anybody wants to buy this wonder material, I'm selling it in bulk. $10.99 + shipping and handling for a box.
9$?......I'm gonna go find an ATM...
@gizmodocon: And you think they can do that right now?
@PacJack360: Hey, I didn't know about that one - might check it out. Thanks for mentioning it!
@ericesque: Since most of the processing work is done in the cloud, you can still say this is a cloud based OS.
@Edd White: Thread of the week!
@gobeaubien: As far as Interpol, no, they've never been concerned about cross country sex. They'd be swamped with cases.
@sydcinema: Putting semantics aside, do you consider that citizens don't have a right to disseminate information without a journalist card? I know he's not a US citizen, but imagine this was happening to an Aemrican blogger in Iran....I don't think the outrage would be the same.