
@jason.galkin: At 1.75 a piece, it's totally worth it.

@LOTM: First let's clear one thing up: the "terrorists" are not a single entity; we have various groups around the world plotting each on their own against the US. Even if such was the case that one of these groups knew of these sites (and there's nothing to say any of them had this entire list, or any part of it),

@NorthernRoamer: Meh, Skyfire seems to work for everything else except Vimeo. And it's the fastest browser I've tried.

@kaffenated: You see, I'm willing to debate all you other points with reason. But here's the thing: when people start throwing around the word "terrorist" when they can't find a way to describe people they don't like, that's when I get pissed. It's like the word has completely lost all meaning. Accuse him of

@orthorim: Actually, Interpol is not after him for the sex charges, Swedish police is; they've been clear about this from the get go. The suspicion is that the Interpol/US is using the sex charges to get a hold of him since they couldn't make a clean arrest legally.

@DrkPheonix: Well, the last release of critical sites of interest could be termed as a strategic disclosure.

@rimplestultskin: Interesting that Consumer Reports surveys say Verizon and Sprint pulled about even on quality.

@NorthernRoamer: On top of the issues Chili described, it also works randomly on Skyfire.

@Sumada: Releasing info for the sake of it.

@OtherTimes: Regardless of whether he's trying to drive a point or not, I really do think these leaks are dangerous and do more damage than good.

@amishsniper: 10 dogs, 15 cats or 5 children, whichever comes first.

Where the hell does this guy live 2 hours away from a Sprint store??

@tomsomething: Sounds like the classification for an animal genus. Or a disease.

Soon to be in a horror movie near you.

@phijef: Quite simple really. If it borrows from the story of Christ, it's borrowing from that story.