
Haha, thanks! I think Ian legit sees a white man in the mirror.

This. I think what Michael really needed to say to him if he really wanted to straighten them out (which - no - this is CPAC) would be “You do know they’re coming for you next, bruh ... ?? Straight hair, Hitler mustache, and Irish first name or no ...???” one is going to comment on Ian Walters, huh? That slick back? That mess of scraggle on his chin? That winter tan?

Chain migration is not a pejorative term, it has been used since 1966.

I sent the tip to Rafi night before last just because it looked too much like a Legion of Doom gathering and with the SVB, FSB and GRU here when they’re not even supposed to be in this country, ever, till sanctions on them are lifted,I figured something terrible might be going down and people should know about it.

Christ, look at that line up.

 “Well, actually …” ;-)

Think about this for a second. Dana Loesch is NRA spokesperson because she was THE MOST PERSONABLE INDIVIDUAL THEY COULD FIND TO DEFEND THEIR BULLSHIT.

Brilliant! Wish I’d thought of that. Well done indeed.

And a Republican. If anybody was wondering.

Allegations of misconduct aside- even at the state level, who in their right minds would elect a 20 year old to represent them? Did he run against a ficus? What the hell is happening in Rhode Island?

While I agree that any young person’s sex life shouldn’t be public information, you incidentally hit the reason why her’s is on the head:

There is no way he has genitals. He’s just all....smooth

Holy shit, you weren’t kidding. I scrolled back up to see, and I wish I hadn’t.

I’d love to see people’s comments on things like this automatically show their voting record.

There is currently a large school walkout being planned for mid-March to protest the lack of gun control. I’m no longer in school but I’m currently passing word out to everyone I know who is, and I’ll support it any other way I can think of. Not the only thing we’re doing, either. You keep your despair. I’d rather do

He’s right about one thing…