Its main flaw, in my view, is that not enough people are on it, and the ones who are should get more money.
Its main flaw, in my view, is that not enough people are on it, and the ones who are should get more money.
Is it though, at it’s center? As a legal aid attorney who works with welfare recipients, I see two problems with SNAP.
Oh, good lord. This ESA bullshit has gotten totally out of control. The laws really need to be changed to stop people from trying to fly with pigs, chickens, hamsters, etc. Flying is stressful enough without people trying to sneak a mini zoo onto a plane. I’ve said this before but I’ve known people who took advantage…
WHAT . THE. FUCK??????? Who decides to cruelly kill their pet like that at an airport. I just...and she’s going to sue?????
This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.
I remember being so creeped out as a door-to-door cookie pimping G Scout. I think setting a table in a central location is where it’s at.
We don’t have legal weed or girl scout cookies where I’m from (which is kind of a bummer), but even I can see that this little girl is enterprising as hell. She should cut the scouts loose and follow her damn dreams.
It turns out that Girl Scouts can only sell cookies outside a business if they get a permit
Are their people who didn’t love Inglorious Bastards? Certainly no a fan of all his works, but that movie was phenomenal
He’s a neo-Nazi. A literal, dyed in the wool neo-Nazi. He interacts daily with neo-Nazi accounts. Some of the biggest neo-Nazi accounts on Twitter are his followers and he follows them back! He interacts with them. He has multiple neo-Nazis in official or unofficial roles on his campaign.
Remember back at the start, when the internet was supposed to be the best of everything, shared by the best of everybody, making the world a more connected and better place?
After the Jezebel article about the Satanic Temple being harassed and then banned from Twitter, I finally went to their website and read all of the tenets and current activist projects they’re working on, including this Missouri case. They also have an initiative that combats evangelical after-school programs by…
Satan Worshipers are the good guys and people remember GW Bush fondly. This is the state of this country right now.
I can’t even imagine how hard it is to fit into those outfits when you’re always retaining water.
Research? That sounds like science. They don’t like the science.
Finally, Sessions picks on someone his own size. However, the naughty little elf should check with Keebler corporate. His anti-pot stance is denying them billions in the edibles market.
This should be mandatory attire for all Democrats at the SOTU address.
My takeaway? Old time views on courtship and pursuit cannot co-exist with modern feminism. Do away with “non-verbal cues.” Millennial women cannot harp on affirmative consent and then say “But I gave you non-verbal cues.” Can’t have it both ways.
You’re right. I’m an idiot. I’m an assault survivor (stranger rape) and a moron. This story minimizes real assault. I’ve also fought a guy off with a broken bottle who was restraining me (on a separate occasion) and attempting to get me to suck him off. Guess I’m just sheltered like that.
This is a generational misunderstanding too. I know everyone is in a rush to dismiss the opinions of anyone over 35, but you’ll notice a divide in the reactions. #old