
even ivanka isnt as pretty as ivanka.

I have never hoped for someone to die alone, in prison and flat broke more than I wish it for Donald Trump.

I guess it’s easy to clean up? ? ?

Right, if you spend 30 minutes talking to someone and they don’t even answer, you might be doing learning wrong.

Now playing

Literally the first thing I thought of when she mentions walking in on him watching Shark Week:

What’s Tomi Lahren up to?

It seems like a really good way to win yourself an honerable mention Darwin Award. Like you’re probably not going to die but you may end up taking your uterus out of the gene pool.   

This is a genuine curiousity question as my mental image for this comes for pop culture. Isn’t carrying the gun where Tomi carrying it in her ad a really unsafe way to do so? Even if there is a holster there? I’ve just seen a lot of stuff mocking how dumb it is to stick a gun in the front due a lot of practical and

Rick “Jazz Hands” Santorum and anyone else spewing this level of stupid should have to tour a morgue after a shooting and see what exactly they are dealing with. How you going to do CPR when there is no chest left, Rick? Where do you do compressions if the heart is pretty much gloppy soup?

Pope Francis already did the concern trolling bit yesterday.

It’s worth noting that Oliver is trolling the Pence family with a delightful and innocent book about two male bunnies that want to get married.

The point is that self-driving technology has to be better than a human.

This makes no sense and you’re insane. A person jumping in front of a car isn’t a victim and calling that victim blaming is seriously bullshit.

Why isn’t the victim due the blame if, in the words of the person who has actually seen the video, “it’s very clear it would have been difficult to avoid this collision in any kind of mode [autonomous or human-driven] based on how she came from the shadows right into the roadway”?

Why isn’t it enough if the machine is

Self driving cars likely are better than humans already...are we requiring that they be perfect? Because that’s impossible.

yeah but this line is just lazy journalism: “Focusing on whether Herzberg stepped in front of the car sidesteps key, arguably more important questions that’s likely the focus of investigators: Why didn’t Uber’s technology catch Herzberg before it was too late and slow down? And why didn’t the safety operator at the

I will take an autonomous vehicle that is as good as a fully focused human driver all day long. Since most people on the road can’t drive for 15mins without making 4 Instagram posts and responding to 36 texts while eating two big macs...

Have a grudge against someone ? Well now you can sink entire careers with a social media post that you then quickly delete.

You are an idiot.

I think another big part of this — where we’ve tended to fail most egregiously — is the assumption that once individual battles have been won, the issues are settled. Abortion? Legal! Worker exploitation? Protected against (lol obviously not, but bear with me for the sake of argument)! Racism? Hey, we ended

Try not using a 1940s-era fascist front group as your username. It would make your comments more credible.