MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

The word you’re looking for is chiaroscuro. Like a Caravaggio. Who was widely considered the best cart repair technical manual painter of his day.

I think we do have to consider priorities, though. I want my 401K to be reliable, steady growth until I can start withdrawing at retirement... where much of Wall Street feels like a gambling version of musical chairs. Buy cheap, pump the short term numbers, sell out before the chickens come to roost. There are two

Pence dreams so...

Can someone help me understand why the heck there’s such a big push (billions and billions of dollars) for autonomous cars?”

With thr average transaction price of a new car somewhere around $37,000, this is probably the right move. New car prices are nuts, and unsustainable.

1st Gear: Is it me, or does that article make it seem like the name Mustang was where the hesitation was, not the building of the electric car.

Dude- she drives a VW Passat with the w8 engine- her definition of reliable is in a different zip code than yours!

I’m sure a lot of truck kits are illegal, just rarely enforced.

I work in the nuclear industry. If I was allowed to have prototypes fail and accept the occasional failure, you’d be driving around with a Mr. Fusion under the trunk. I can’t even fathom how much data and learning SpaceX got out of this. Amazing day.

He wrote the code for PayPal decades ago. I haven’t heard about any contributions he personally made to Tesla or SpaceX software. Until he does he’s a finance guy, an investor.

When the first oil dikes were built no one could fathom floating platforms in the middle of the oceans drilling thousands of feet deep in multiple directions. When there is money to be made people will find a way.

I don’t think the engine shutoffs were failures. As they used fuel, the rocket was becoming MUCH lighter and it didn’t need three engines anymore for the ascent. They didn’t want to overshoot the 12.5km altitude target, and testing the transition from 3-2-1 engines was probably a test objective. The failure was after

After reading all the commenter bickering about the need for diversity and affirmative action, one painful fact that occurs to me is Tesla’s diversity mix is very much a reflection of upstream socio-economic realities that cause Black Americans to be very under represented in STEM fields.

In college doing FSAE we used the overflow lot for the college theater that was a 5-10 minute bus ride away from campus. We often dealth with bicycles cutting through the lot in front of us. Worse was how often had old ladies dive into the lot through cones, tape and barriers to park in the middle of the lot in front

This is exactly what I was going to say. An automaker deciding that a certain number of deaths from accidents are “acceptable” because the lawsuits are cheaper than fixing the problem is absolutely sociopathic behavior. And a manufacturer cheating on emissions tests is reprehensible. Both Ford and VW probably should

GM’s Diesel 350's

LOL. Basically a small steering input one way (squirrel), unloading the suspension, and a big steer the other way (moose). Basically a worst-case test for handling stability.

And to be fair, many people confuse Generation X with Boomers and that’s not fair. Generation X got shafted by the boomers. Their children, the “New Silent Generation” or Generation Z are even more fcked than millennials have been. Everyone seems to talk about the hardships of the millennials, but Generation Z are

Not wrong. It also inflates the labor pool, depressing wages.

FTFY. All kidding aside it IS a cool story.