MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

Actually, the more modern way to serve turkey is raw. You figure sushi is so good, surely raw turkey meat would also be excellent.

Truck guys hate not having the phallic shifter knob. You would not believe the complaining on truck forums about the rotary shifter because it “doesn’t feel right” or some nonsense.

I’m really puzzled about why Ford would go through all the complexity and expense (and future warranty claims) on that folding shifter, instead of just using the push button system from Lincoln. That would make for a lot more room in the console too. Or just stick with the column shifter. I’m still not used to the

I have to ask, what project were you attempting to pre-rust the U-bolt for? Did you buy a Jeep that wasn’t rusted enough to fit in with your collection?

Growing up in Michigan, in a city with a huge, deep river, my parents hammered us about the dangers of venturing out on to ice and sure enough the newspapers carried at least a couple of stories a year of kids, ice fishermen and assorted idiots who drowned/froze to death after venturing out on to ice they were certain

55 Ways all people say “Nigger” without saying “Nigger” (add your own)

Torch has you covered:

You are relentless and I love you for it.

That was also one of my favorites. Along with this one that I can’t find a tweet of:

Just to add: if Democrats DO try to claim a state of emergency that lets the President rule by decree in ways that include massive spending commitments, massive taxation (both to fund the spending and to shape market incentives), and wideranging legislation that can be enforced by the courts (to go after those who

They’re six feet under and the rest of us are pissing on their graves. It’s common ground, right?

I think the joke may be meant this way. Hilldale is shown as a capitalist Reagan-era un-Utopia (see the Pepsi ad where Ayatollah Khomeini and Ronald Reagan fight over your food order) where Marty’s entire life has led to bootlicking materialist desperation. Despite Mr. Fusion, which I think may have been invented by

Have you ever seen the damage a drug addled trust fund kid can do to an apartment when they don’t care about their security deposit or credit? I think we’d see a lot of spiteful chaos just because including but not limited to some really egregious firings and pardons.

There is a lot about conservatives that I can forgive. You want small government, you want less spending, you want support for farming, hunting, etc. That’s fine. We can disagree, but that’s okay.

What isn’t fine is when you (the royal you, I’m not accusing you specifically of anything) start messing around in other

I need to go to Glacier NP before it becomes Water NP.

Hahahaha, expense account.

Brother, you ain’t lived until you’ve seen Escanaba in da moonlight.

Minnesotan here, I love this story, I love the UP and I love Lake Superior so much. I did a 5500 mile 16 day road trip this summer and stayed in many national parks and drove across the great plains. You hit it on the head with how great this country is and how we need to save it.

You mean Don’t show off a good idea (Livewire) that could save the company, let people test ride it and then drop the idea for years while everyone else beats you to market and massively uncuts you on price? I would like to think HD realizes this now but I doubt it