MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

I sure am! Thanks! And I have a motorcycle news update coming soon as well! :)

WHOA. You’re officially writing for here now?!?! That’s AWESOME!!!

Looks a lot like the Vixen:

and this never hitting the states

They get paid more by making money off of a commodity that the world uses in vast quantities.

In the long run, it is what is needed.

Global warming is melting the ice shelf. What chance does a mere cube have.

President Camacho would be a marked improvement of what we have now. When faced with an existential crisis what did he do? He went and got the smartest guy on the planet and did what he said to do.

There was no chance that they wouldn’t at least try to ram this nomination through. Securing a conservative majority on the SC that could last a generation is a dream come true for McConnell and company. That they pulled it off with blatant hypocrisy and disregard for democracy makes it even better for them.

If every single person but Graham has agreed to and taken a test, then they should go on like normal, and Graham should be turned away. They can put a sign on his podium that says “Lindsey Graham forefeit his appearance at tonight’s debate because he refused to follow agreed-upon rules or demonstrate basic courtesy to

I’m surprised it took this look to get this answer. The GOP wants to kill the USPS and a MB logo is just another alternative fact in that mission. 

They did find out and ran a software update “over the air”.  HA!!!!

Once Tesla hears that you didn’t pay for the optional convertible package, you’ll be getting a bill in the mail.  

Sorry, what?

What about the responsibility of the OEM or the dealer in having recall parts available? I own a Pacifica Hybrid which had a fire recall this year - the hybrid battery electronics architecture was responsible for ~12 fires in the northern US and Canada. We were told earlier this year to stop driving it, park it

4 cylinder twin cam. Revved to the moon. Dominated its class for 40 years, starting in the 1930s. 1000 hp at 10,000 RPM in its final form.

But it was 1 of only 35,000 made that year with a white exterior and a grey interior!

*deepest of southern drawls* Now... I may not be some big city, edumacated journalist, but I would think that using my massive “journalism” platform to promote your source’s cash-raising scheme for the purpose of... *reads gofundme description* seemingly no reason whatsoever other than being a “source” for my story cou

The weight thing with snowmobiles is the real issue. Digging out a 500lb+ sled PLUS dealing with 6-10 feet of fresh powder, PLUS snow gear is not fun. This is why the Yamaha 4 stroke sleds are not that common in the mountains- they are just too heavy. Weight also plays a factor in how nimble the sled is too- too heavy