This is a great picture. Nice to see the world outside of Japan sometimes.
This is a great picture. Nice to see the world outside of Japan sometimes.
Y? How does it actually affect anyone? There is a MGS pachinko game.. its not a continuation, its not a rehash, shit its not even our industry.. Thats like getting mad that they made a mgs t shirt.. People acting like they somehow doing something terrible.. there not.. They are leveraging their ip every company does…
Look, son. Don’t tell me what to think. I’ve both lived and been to those places, and neither are inferior to Japan’s public transport. They’re different. Japan always gets a free bye on these Ashcraft Japanophile love fests because (well... JAPAN) in a small country everything is near, so 3-day tourists trumpet how…
Tokyo has buildings. And lights. And nighttime. We get it. Can we graduate now?
But its JAPAN. Every gamer should unconditionally love everything Japan, didn’t you know?
I’m starting to feel like there’s literally no point to me ever commenting on kotaku. I get it, you guys are trying to weed out spammers and trollers but I’m neither, and I never get published no matter how much thought, perspective, or comedic value my comments have.
I’ve seen these exact dragon balls in a mall before a few years ago. These aren’t exclusive to the con.
They probably got a raise. This is Japan we’re talking about.
He doesn’t care, and he won’t comment because that would require more work than he did on the post. He is lazy, and by far the worst “writer” on Kotaku.
I used to live right behind that restaurant, good food, and a great place to take the Girlfriend. The Pizzarium down the street was crap, but the Taco Taco restaurant held my Mexican fix. Just up the street, there is a good BBQ restaurant.
And I personally won’t complain about the quality of the pics because perhaps you are limited by the submissions. And I have no idea how many submissions you get. I enjoy photography and understand people have different tastes (and sometimes photos are just simply bad...). But, I do find it very hard to believe you…
Very well said. Couldn’t have said it better. And as I have commented previously, I find it unfortunate that there is no dialogue or explanation as to why the posts consistently contradict the feature’s description.