Another no-content lazy article. At least you’re consistent.
Another no-content lazy article. At least you’re consistent.
What the hell? You seriously “wrote” an article about an ad campaign. Great work
Yeah, and they get sick just as often as everyone else. It’s all for naught.
So....all that junk you wrote before was bullshit and you haven’t been playing the game. Just getting clicks.
I didn't say it isn't effective.
So, because someone disagrees with you and doesn’t share your penchant for a romanticized Japan and bad tourist trap stock photos, they are a racist? I really hope you’re a child so there’s an excuse for you being so dim.
EVERYTHING gets a pachinko machine. This isn't worth writing about. It's click-bait. Anything for views and a few dimes.
I don’t hate Japan. I live in Japan. By choice. I love this place. What I do hate, for good reason, are people who stereotype Japan and promote the stereotype. Many don’t even come to Japan. And a lot that do ignore what right in front of their faces so they’re fantasy of a distant, mysterious, anime filled land…
I’m talking about all of it. You’re comments are embellished. Your statements are wrong. Don’t be a Japan fanboy. I had a longer comment for you but my phone pooped out on me. In short, don’t use “always” when you mean “in my limited experience”.
What are you talking about? Japan’s trains are just as bad as anywhere else. Most of the trains don’t even get cleaned everyday. At most they clean the seats but pay jo mind to the spiders and squashed bugs and boogers on the windows.
No. It’s just a photo of a restaurant. A normal regular restaurant in Itaewon. Not any different from anything on the street around the corner and no more special than the local family restaurant wherever you live. It's just a building. Not historic. Not related to games. The only reason it was posted is because it's…
Baby steps I guess. It’s not in Japan like the last 10 photos.
We tried.
Weasl, why are you such an apologist? Some people are not satisfied with the quality or content of these posts and they want to voice their opinion. And you get so defensive each time. Especially with the last few messages.
If you like photos of telephone wires and intersections then kudos to you. I’m glad you can enjoy such things. But I don’t. I like Japan. So I want to see pictures of the real Japan with context and insight. I want to see photos that reflect what Japan actually is and especially what Japan means to gaming.
If I took a picture of a regular street in Chicago with no people in it, no remarkable subject matter and an unimaginative filter and Ashcraft were to post it, people would lose their minds and complain about the relevance of such a photo.
Yakuza games are garbage. They haven’t changed much at all in the last few iterations. The “brutal combat” is on the level of a True Crime: Streets of L.A. and just as “story heavy”. And the minigames are fine or at least they would be if there were something to do outside of them.
Jackie is getting a little ahead of himself. China doesn’t make good movies. No one is going to learn Chinese to participate in a lackluster Chinese movie market.
Oh C’mon!!!