
-I think people is demanding to much for a game. In the Legend of Zelda Series, “Link” changes his looks with every game, and I see nobody is making a fuss about it. (Or maybe there are people? Idk.).

Everytime he breaks a wall... “SOME-BODY!!”

It caught my eye...It is Hirono? Not Hironobu?

I’m just going to point...why K2 wanted a blaster so bad? Because, we will see him again, in Han Solo’s Space Scoundrel...I bet that they will work together before Rogue One and Episode III, and Solo will teach K2 why to trust a blaster. 

Hopefully, unarmed victims will have “Extreme Escape”(like 3 bars or something) So they won’t die inmediately, or take parcial damage. (Hello Developers!)

We need Alien: Isolation movie. (With Jennifer Lawrence as Amanda). A Dead Space movie should work out too.

Play it again, Ash.

It was Him...Dio??

It might be a story like that, posted in “porntaku”.

This remembers me the old Ps2 game Robotech Battlecry... but done so much better. I would like to see Punch/Counterpunch in this!!