
There's a joy in truly trolling a shit head. And, I'm sure that you'll be missed from Penny Arcade. I don't know what they'll do without your patronage. ;)

That adrenaline rush is crazy, isn't it, Mike? My first son ran into the street when he was 2, and the level of adrenaline that made me move was intense. I couldn't get my heart rate to drop for over an hour. It's not just games by the way. Anything that distracts you for more than 30 seconds is potentially fatal. I

Yeah, I'm with you, I always thought it was anal. ;)

That's fine as well.... then maybe we can get rid of this silly gray text. :)

Hey Kotaku Editors,

If found insane he would stay in the loony bin for life, though, correct?

Depends... was he playing on the Xbox (which would make your statement true), or the PC (in which case your statement is false)?

He's a sociopath, he's definitely not insane.

It definitely does teach you how to acquire targets very quickly and react without thinking through speed and repetition. It may not teach you how to aim, how to deal with fatigue, or how to deal with the weight, sound, and heat of a real gun. But, it definitely teaches reflex and attention to movement.

Sociopaths understand the difference between right and wrong, they just have no emotion / guilt attached to the concept. They act on their impulses without any of those fears of repercussion and sense of empathy that would normally stop someone from being violent or doing something that goes against societal norms.

I thought that he had a cogent point on that one.

And then you go and make a good point, Why do you have to be all complex and shit? ;)

I counter with, The Oatmeal is fucking awesome, this particular comic isn't his best, and you're just some guy on the internet whereas, Inman has some talent. That is my subjective viewpoint, just like yours. :)

Play on Steam, and not on Xbox or PS3, and you'll see it more often.

As I replied to another mention of this:

It was an unnecessary gesture; and sad that he probably had to do it based on recent historical evidence of the kind of bullshit that happens when someone makes some off-the-cuff comment and then doesn't immediately genuflect before the complainants. It's a sad state of affairs.

No, he's right. Just like Fat, Ugly, or Slutty are right. Both things happen. I've been witness to both as I'm sure most of the commenters have. Maybe you just stick to single player games and aren't aware of the overall situation, Stephen?

Rule 34. No Exceptions. :P

Not mentioned in the article:

Ruh- Roh!