
A firm handshake is the difference between a manager and an hourly employee. Who knows how much higher you'd be in your career if you'd had a stronger handshake?

Hey there. Just popping in to say, maybe you should spend more time hanging out by a lake, or taking care of a Zen garden. You're not going to get KoToR 3, ever. So, calm down and enjoy your life. :)

You broke my heart, Turtle soup, you broke my heart. ;)

And, this has been a word from Fredo.

Nice troll. Whether or not something is "good" or "bad" is completely subjective. Taste is relative. I love the Mass Effect series. You don't like it. But, our viewpoints are only facts to us, not to everyone else. But, nice troll.

He went crazy with a turkey baster a few years back. :)

New research shows that researchers are invariably attracted to researching douchey people, and then coming up with a reason that they researched them afterwards.

Or, maybe, you should respect the person's view of the situation instead of demeaning her more by treating her own opinion on what happened (to her, not you) as invalid.

It dropped to halfway down the third page for me.

It's not a "False Definition" as long as it's "widely accepted" by that definition. I accept Santorum defined as a "frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter". And, quite a few people are aware of that definition. Therefore, it's a real definition.

Yes, it is. Otherwise it's psychological warfare. Unless it's against the rules of the tournament, then it falls under the "Play to Win" credo.

Really? Then let me tell you about the Creationist's Theory.

She is a future opponent. She is a competitor in fighting games. He will face her one day. He is playing a long game.... beyond this particular competition.

It's a non-issue until one of those girls actually sues. Until then, it's just another psychological tactic. Which means that it's a dead horse that's being beaten for no reason. If Kotaku actively followed the FGC when there wasn't an issue, it would make more sense to cover it. But, Kotaku doesn't, this is the first

And, the horse continues to get beat. Jesus, guys, let it go, please, just let it go.

Most comedians are extremely depressed, extremely mentally flawed people. She just had enough happen to her, in quick succession, to send her into a depression spiral.

"It wasn't simple weight gain. Something was wrong."

I have no idea if he does, I'm not making assumptions. But, if he does, he wouldn't be able to read body language. If we're not talking about sexual harassment charges in court, then none of this matters. Yeah, he's a douche. But, he's also playing a psychological meta-game that worked. Anytime that she ever comes up

No, it doesn't. Body language alone doesn't stand up in court. You actually have to say "no", and "stop doing x, it's making me uncomfortable / makes me feel threatened". Not everyone can read body language. For instance, if he has Aspergers, he won't be able to pick up on it at all.

Pro means "Paid". Was he? I think so.