
"When I saw you, everything else faded away and became Dead Space".

I really liked the planet scanning thing in ME2 as well. It was very soothing.

I've been with my wife 10 years, and we have two kids. I used to work in the industry as well... but, now I do Graphic Design in a place where there are no game companies (though that has nothing to do with my point.... just thought I'd throw it out there). I love my wife, and I don't have a stressful relationship

Good point, still much cheaper. :)

If I ever got divorced, I think that I'd be fine staying single. There's a high level of stress to maintaining a relationship, avoiding that stress can be healthy. Also, paying for two prostitutes a month would be far cheaper than starting a new relationship, so there's that. :)

I'm saying that your thought is nice, if naive. Here's what I was talking about.

It's a toss up between Bioware and Rockstar for me.

I lived by Sunset and Los Feliz during the riots. Here's how bad it was. The Korean store owners went on the roofs of their stores with rifles and tracked every black person that walked near the store through the gun sight. I, being white, would walk by, and they'd wave.

Are you being sarcastic? I grew up in LA, and there was a Korean convenience store on every corner in poor black neighborhoods. The tension in the stores was palpable.

I hope you never get mugged and have to describe your assailant. ;)

Yep, I saw that comic yesterday, and it summed up all of my feelings on the subject.

Yep, she's a nasty little bigot. There has been a large amount of tension between the Asian and Black communities for as long as I can remember. It's very nasty when it comes to the forefront like this.

Really? So a consumer has a right to criticize a medium, but a writer within that medium doesn't have the right to criticize aspects of it that she doesn't like? She obviously doesn't hate the medium, she likes it enough to have a career within it. She just doesn't enjoy all of the same things that you enjoy. Saying

Stop posting on game blogs unless you actually create games. You should have no opinion on the subject until you've been involved in at least one game from first SCRUM until Gold Disc.

Rift is WoW, without the charm. I don't feel like SW:ToR is a WoW clone. The UI is definitely a copy, but it feels far different in play style with the exception of a couple of abilities. I know that it's been branded as "WoW-clone", just as every FPS in the early 90's was a "Doom-clone", but it just doesn't hold

Really? SW:TOR, Eve, LoTRO, DCUO, Champions, Everquest 2, Allods, etc? There are no other MMO's in existence that you could possibly recommend?

I'm at work, so I watched this with no sound on. It looked like a very slow motion epileptic seizure.

Oops, someone beat me to it.

Hehe. This one is for the meme haters.

I used to hate memes like you, then I took a Xanax in the mouth.