
I feel this is a reasonable price, for what is probably a pretty good product that would work well for many Americans. Therefore, allow me to be the first Jalop to say the following:


The problem with this is that you expect the average American to think ahead.

The Reuters report says they may buy back one-fifth of the diesel cars affected, which is 115,000 units. They’re not offering “one-fifth of MSRP” for the models or anything similar. #corrections

What the fuck this thing looks great! Go Chevy. I sure hope the Focus RS sells well so they feel obligated to come up with a competitor... this sure looks sleeker than the new Focus.

Surprisingly good looking, even in that ugly color. Now let’s hope for an SS model.

I enjoy this digital arms race. Piracy is a scourge on the economy of video games.

Lack of info on his crimes has media outlets chasing their tails on this one.

I honestly hope that is exactly what happens, just because the team deserves the fanbase (or lack thereof) that they’re creating. St. Louis might be perfectly capable of supporting the rams, but at this point one would hope that the city is also smart enough to NOT put money into their pockets.

Really been enjoying this game. There’s something that’s just so wonderfully cathartic about running around creating nearly limitless carnage.

Wow, a jalopnik article without a single comment?!

See, this is the sort of special treatment athletes get in college today. Normal UMass students have to be motivated by Mom stealing their meth.

They tried to reach a verdict for all of 2 days. I feel like that is some bullshit. (And honestly, how much did they really try after they came back saying they were deadlocked after DAY ONE?)

Let’s assume a lot of illegal, borderline slave labor is used. And less profit.

This made me laugh for a good 7 minutes ! I almost chocked twice.

Selfishness is the key here, he didn’t “do it for love” he did it for attention.

Everything’s bigger in Texas...........especially the morons.

Love makes you do stupid things...

It’s the House specialty. :D

It’s Mississippi, they may have miscounted what floor he was on.