
The article about the 3G nexus 7 is dated October 4th......back when it was (and still is) a rumor with no truth. Change the title as I thought this was recent news with you stating "Google is reported to finally be revealing..." Google isn't revealing anything you liars.

So instead of staying on the same screen to open a program i have to lose my place on the current excel document to jump to a completely different screen (metro tiles) and then select my program........Or I can litter my desktop or taskbar with 100's of icons of all the programs I use so I can ensure its as difficult

Shutdown -a is for abort, use -t for timer........Are the writers of this blog technical at all? I thought this was supposed to be a geek blog, geesh.

Agree. I'd expect the $25k would just cover the man hours and not the materials.

Is my friend a psychopath for saying a few of these videos got him "excited"?

This is great but did I miss the sentence where they say which OS to use? I read the article and the Gnurds link and saw nothing about "and download PwnNetworksOS onto your SD Card...."

Remotely access Computer Management on a co-workers machine and create a scheduled task to run every 5-10 minutes that auto-locks the PC. I did this and co-worker was in middle of typing e-mails or browsing the internet and "BAM" it locks his computer and he's sitting there like "What just happened, I was using the

Could that cupcake get any smaller? Either way, I use a fork on the cupcakes I get as they are about triple the size of that one (think coffee mug big).

Disable Indexing and Search inside the VM, no need to have Windows run indexing and create a search cache on Windows in the VM as your probably not using it as a main machine to get all your work done in so Indexing is pointless for simply testing software.

Yup I had to do as stated in the article to get my wireless to work. I tried "Forget this network", restarting device, and even connecting to another router (linksys and netgear) and this Proxy option was my only choice even though I have no proxy. IOS 6.0.1 will be coming in a few days, guarantee it.

How can I get this to work for a CRT TV?? I'd love to mount my TV too so please post DIY for that.

AVG Logo is similar as well. Its a conspiracy I tell you.

Like any red blooded American I've seen my fair share of free internet porn. In hindsight I guess it is hurting the porn industry for my cheapness. I'm assuming the individuals still make a decent living as there are plenty of porn stars and more keep sprouting up so either its money or just the mirage of fame that

+1 for that reference. I love it.

How would this complicate imaging at large environments? In a corporate office you use KMS so this means absolutely nothing unless your name is HP or Dell (or Asus, Acer, Lenovo, etc). If you aren't in the business of selling PCs then this means nothing to you.

I saw it come in last night around 12:30. Nothing like thunder, wind gusts of 60mph, and hail to make me sleep like a baby.

I use the Land O' Lakes butter with Canola oil (or sometimes Olive Oil). It turns to liquid in a matter of 3-5 minutes at 78 Fahrenheit room temperature so its always smooth to spread on the softest bread right out of the fridge. I know some butter enthusiasts will hate that I use that but it gets the job done for

I purchased a 64GB SSD about 1 month ago. After leave 10GB unreserved, unformatted space per Intels instructions (so the SSD can move files), installing Win 7 Ultimate, Office 2010 Pro, VMWare Workstation 8, All plugins (java, flash, silverlight, Security Essentials, Itunes, etc), all software for my motherboard

Thats actually a really bad idea. A lot of those spaces are tight (in between the countries) and a lot of those corners look pointy. I can easily see fish slamming into these and killing themselves. Thats one reason why they suggest circular tanks so certain fish wont smash into the corners trying to turn around.