
I think the best method is to have charcoals on one half of the grill to place thick steaks and chicken on to get the initial grill marks and then place the meat on the uncharcoal'd side to finish cooking. I've cooked plenty of whole chickens like this with the cover on and in 2 hours i have a 6 pound chicken smoked

You've obviously never dealt with the police. They will tell you commands and when you refuse to follow them your seen as a hazard. When they come up to your car for a simple speeding violation they will walk to your car with a hand on their gun because they have no idea if you have an intent to hurt them. They

Fire station owned by cobra commander? That red logo on the all black building.....i see what they did there.

See my comment to Cosmos. Same comment goes to you.

It wasn't the ripping of the ticket nor the cursing that got her tased. It was her erratic behaviour and her suspicious activity of trying to flee the scene. How do the cops know she didn't just rob the place, or rob some place nearby. Only criminals run from the police.....she was attempting to run and I'm

As much as I'll get flamed for this, and in some instances i understand the taser is extreme.....but i have to agree with the cops and say she deserved it. I also love in the video how the mother says "she's real sweet, very sweet person..i don't know why they would do that to her". Let's recount the events and see

Capitalism is so commie UKs not charging rental fees, tsk tsk.

Have a glass desk so none of these methods would work for me and there is no way I'm super gluing the cables to anything like in suggestion 1. Any ideas on what to do with a glass desk that has open sides and back.......impossibly I know as its completely visible but i love it.

how is it anonymous? Couldn't the manager just call the number that texted him and see who answers and then chastise them?? Guess i'm missing the point unless it goes through a proxy and the managers always see the services number but not the customers?

Buying extended warranties are not stupid. My mother bought the first Nook when it came out 2 years ago (yes, i did try to convince her towards kindle but failed). Just last week she brought it into Best Buy as she had a crack and her 2 year extended warranty included accidental damage. Since they don't make that

I agree they could have better safety features. My front loader locks, shoots cold water (in this case the childs face to convince him to jump out), unlocks door for 5 seconds......then re locks and continues cycle. Its something.

Remove Hibernation, Pagefile, and remove indexing on your drive. After a reboot you'll notice Windows only took up 10GB. I have a 60GB drive and before doing the above it said I had 10GB left, after I had 35 GB left (only had 47 GB to start out with as 10GB is unpartitioned space per intels recommendation of

I'm also curious about latency timings. Should we expect satellite latency or wired connection latency because for gamers thats pretty important.

Wow, talk about driving 101. I guess i just never floor it pass parked cars on the road at 50+ or purposely drive next to cyclist at full speed and well the intersection story.....there is cameras on all intersection where i live so no worries about that.

Dashcam for insurance purposes? How......all it will prove is yes your slammed into the back of that car and your liable. Its not recording your sides or your back to say "no i didn't cut so and so off" or "no, this person was never in my blindspot...check the video". Seems pointless to have it pointing forward

The ability to play online is great but for those that might want to install a game and play offline of this Dual N-Back try "Brain Workshop" at the link below. I believe it was lifehacker that pointed me towards this program many months ago.

Flossing isn't my issue. My issue is the complete lack of consistency between dentists. Also, brushing......they recommend 3 minutes. So should I split those 3 minutes evenly across all teeth or give more time to my back teeth as they do the food chewing. I never really know how to split up those 3 minutes

Thats not smart, its inconvenient. Tell me how many times your cutting paper and taping at the exact same time........Never. You cut the paper first then you fold it around the gift then you tape. Now i got this clunky scissor that won't stand up on its end (like a tape dispenser) so i can pull off strips of it

This is one reason why i hate 3d movies. I'm not putting glasses on top of my glasses to uncomfortably watch a movie. Now if you could get the film with that finish that sticks to glass but is not sticky (sorry i don't know the name) and i can just manually place it on my glasses and take off when movie is over i

I live in VA Beach and we are all warned that we live in a flood zone. When a wave comes by and destroys my house I won't be crying the the Navy (even if they detonated a bomb underwater that caused the giant wave).....I'll be knocking on the insurance companies door and the City's door for not properly protecting