
I think its all based on what you get used to. I have been sleeping with a "night light" for my whole life. Once I entered Middle school it became a 40 watt light bulb (now an energy saver) and I'm almost 30 now. I can't sleep in darkness, not because I'm afraid of the boogeyman but because its not normal to me. I

Oh ok, your the tin foil hat type. My bad.....Google wants our device to break, NSA is currently reading your email, and aliens are probing your mom in the room next door. Sorry about that.

How much time? I've had mine since November of 2012 (over a year now) and no such damage. Stop spouting lies without proof. Hell, Google attempted copy of the case since their failed attempt of a case on the last version of the Nexus 7 and their version has similar corners gripping the Nexus device so I doubt

The Blurex ultra slim case is the best case for the nexus 7. I had it on my original and they have another one for the newer 2013 model. It has all the standard features (that the google case now copies in 2013) plus it has a strap on the back to allow you to one hand it. Best of all its only $13.99. Can't beat

I can never find this answer and maybe someone can help me out with this..why donate? I know the moral reasons but for "tax savings" everyone says donate but I see no figures. Nothing that says if I donate $5,000 in cash to XXX organization I'll save $8,000 on my taxes. So is there any quantifiable facts on how

Had one, loved it

11:40pm = The best.

Get Clear20 instead. Its cheaper, does the instant filtering like this, is actually Certified with NSF. I will give it that this is portable but I think its just awkward to bring this with you to filter someone else's water. But your choice.

I will agree with .LCL that its a very positive and uplifting comment.....thanks for not trolling and I will be seeing a new Dermatologist next week. Thanks.

Acne.....'nuf said.

Now playing

Another good female rapper is charlie baltimore:

Its exactly as he said. Before you can offend me(or another), I have to allow you to do so. So go ahead and make comments about my sexuality or my mother.....I choose not to get offended by whatever hurtful words you sling my way. Its my choice to take it anyway I choose just like in your example. Do you think MLK

Yes they do. You say #1 is max your you realize that the max on 401k for 2013 is $17,500?? I don't have close to 20 grand sitting around where I can forget about it. So his statement that if your in a position to follow this advice then you have no financial difficulties is 100% correct.

Introvert(100%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(75%) Judging(11%)

Say whatever you like but I actually can't sleep in a dark room. I have my blinds wide open for optimum sun blast in the morning and I have a 75 watt equivalent (cfl) bulb in my room at all hours. Like all kids I had a night light and I just honestly never got rid of it so now 28 years later it just feels weird to

Looks exactly like a PS2 console (the first iteration). Oh well, best to take a page out of their own book since it was a better console and sold more than PS3 did for them so why not grab it again.

What? Post to the public except family? That makes no sense. Thats like screaming in Time Square for everyone to hear but running to your family members to put in ear plugs on them, whose to stop them from taking those ear plugs out. Like whose to stop them from forgetting to login and checking your G+ profile and

I'm confused. Why pay for these speciality boxes when you can use the Amazon EC2 to control an entire datacenter at a cheap rate and have even more computing power than any of these guys can put out.

All I gathered from this is that it looks like Xerox has the best logo of all those currently. And IBM up there with Microsoft and Shell as the worst.

depends on your desk, a glass desk = fail without a mousepad 90% of the time.