
Hell, cellular data keeps limiting more and more while fiber is (slowly) getting pushed to the home. Soon it will be pointless to even have the cloud when your upload rate is above 20mbps, at those speeds you can stream hd movies from your home computer (considering the download speeds where you are at are also

my 2011 car doesn't have any "door" locks. Its all electronic controlled by a dash mounted button to lock and unlock the doors, no manual pull up or down of a tab.

Pasta doesn't exactly get old and moldy so why not just let it sit in the big box it originally came in? Yea its not airtight but it doesn't need to be.

"When i was your age (15)....left home, lived on my own, went to high school and college at the same time, worked two jobs, and was a volunteer fireman"

Lol, dude seemed to have a child and a wife (or just gf) and he's making racist slurs and raising this child to be a hateful, racist troll as well.

Your right, i looked closer and the blinker is the same color as the taillight (red) so it was hard to distinguish it in the light.

Take it back to the drawing board. At 1:54 it switched lanes without a blinker. Jerk robot could of caused an accident or forced someone in that lane to slow down as they never expected that car to start changing lanes. FAIL.

"Ok, its time to erect my village"

So since there is no additional information on any of the links i follow i have to ask in hopes someone works for Wendy's here and can clarify more. Do i just buy the $1 keytag and i will always get free frosty's or do i have to buy a keytag and get 1 frosty with it for free?

reading the terms and conditions gives me this exclusion paragraph:

Gawker media should join in this black out but they love their advertising too much. Hypocrites.

Its used to be Lee Jackson day you jerk. There are more then just one historical figure. Stop complaining to every company that doesn't acknowledge the same historical figure (out of the hundreds) on every single day. Move on.

FYI - On your IOS Safari browser you need private browsing turned OFF and cookies turned on or else you will continuosly be cycled back to the dropbox login without ever getting a request for access from urldroplet. Took me awhile to figure out why it wasn't working on my IPhone.

Thanks, i used "%UsersProfile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application" and the folders are labeled their version numbers. Don't delete the version numbered folder of the current install of Chrome i'd assume.

How do you do this by hand in Windows? I don't feel comfortable having programs deleting items from my hard drive with out telling me specifically what files and where the location is of what its deleting.

The have sanders for glass to smooth it out, though the glass cutter should do a pretty good job though i'm unsure about the cheap $4 ones.

bigger pics would of been nice, some of her shots are good enough to be a desktop background

Ok, but what TVs have this and what does the port look like? Key information their as i'm sure my 2 month old tv doesn't have that port.

I didn't know about this in Virginia.

This is great but we need more advances in dentistry. Its one of the few medical fields that is almost literally still in the stone ages. 100 years ago at the dentist is similar to today (minus the advances in anesthesia).