
Its basically Microsoft Security Essentials or in the Enterprise Forefront. I have used Forefront and its leaps and bounds better than McAfee or Symantec. Though, i will say for home use the Microsoft Security Essentials have failed my parents. Twice they've been hit with the same Antivirus 2011 and i've now

App won't work in Virginia. The template they have in the app is an older license template. Bad app is bad.

Installed on my Ipod touch 4g and its extremely slow. I went into options and turned off all the offline caching (since i assumed it was downloading everything before i even read it) but still slow. I'll give it another shot later but i can only assume the feeds are just flooded with traffic.

Its not the dogs fault, he/she is just being a dog. Its your jerk neighbors fault for A. not training the dog B. not keeping the dog entertained/active to avoid this excess energy and C. allowing the dog to bark and annoy others. Shoot your neighbor with a paintball gun everytime he lets his dog bark.

FTA-"In a few years, I'm sure classrooms will use the internet for its time syncing"

It auto-played for me using Google Chrome.

FTA - "I like to think of myself as working in collaboration with materials, processes and phenomena and that the final physical outcome is a product of mutual consent,"

Thanks for this. I only would use Cellular Usage to keep an eye on my data and i'd have hated to pay .99 cents for that convenience to get to it quicker so free is great. Thanks again.

Definitely ran a red light but because he's on a bike he assumes he doesn't have to follow any traffic rules while everyone else must "share the road" with his unlawful/disrespectful biking style.

Wow, you need to grow up to learn about stealing contacts then. Some people would love to stumble across the mayors personal email address, or a celebrities personal phone number. Its common and thats why you see articles all the time in the news about people losing personal photos and such off their phone. Hell,

I have mine passcode locked but it is a company phone so its locked to ensure some jackass doesn't send an email to my boss or even just steal my contacts to send off to their spam machine. Also, in case someone is dumb enough to send me confidential company data its at least protected from prying eyes (i know its not

I agree with it needing to be an opt-in as a jealous lover could easily send a text to your current partner to sabotage things. I will have to keep this in mind for pranks though. Thanks lifehacker.

Hopefully this comes out soon. I've suffered with acne for more than half of my life (started at 11 years old and still have it at 25) and its horrible. Like the author, I've tried everything but unlike the author TIME is not on my side. I've been to numerous doctors and my typical cycle is every 5 years with no

The left side of this individual's face is paralyzed and it was very distracting, i was expecting him to start shaking or drop to the floor of a heart attack.

I get billed on the first but everyone needs to know this bit of info when i removed one portion of my plan.......YOUR QUEUE WILL RESET. I removed the DVD queue as i only had dvds on long wait and quite a few that aren't on dvd release yet but were queued up so i can keep tabs on them when they finally do get

I"m in Virginia Beach and we'll get hit a crap ton more than New York and we declared no state or emergency or evacuations.........bunch of cowards they all are.

Its a "pre-existing condition" so no they would not, you did have skin when you purchased the policy. As a matter of fact, even an amputation is a "pre-existing condition"........anything to get them out of paying.

From the HuffPost Article - "According to Rajt, it will have enough adult content to qualify for the XXX domain site but also some other graphic images of animals that viewers may not expect to see."

FTA - "How many people know they're built with the same kind of PLC used in centrifuges?"

Where's the choice for Taxidermy? I've managed to collect and stuff about 100+ squirrels from the neighborhood that died over the many years. My squirrel army is unstoppable. :)