
In order for a dealer to conduct successful business, they need to buy extremely low and sell extremely high. The supposed tradeoff is a) makes searching easier and b) that you will know what you are getting with a dealer, whereas you can't be sure with a private seller. Now we all know that "used car salesman" has

Don't EVER buy an Impulse

Police package + mustang tranny + lightness = rally. Although you'd need to add a LOT of lightness. And I'm sure the steering rack is garbage too. But it'd definitely be fun, even if it wasn't super-competitive.

And fortunately most decommissioned coppers here in Chicago have the search light removed (and all have

You can watch for door-mounted flashlights, trunk- or roof-mounted robust-looking antennae, and hidden light bars (which are usually actually pretty spottable). This has always worked for me (although I do have very good eyesight)

Almost all Chicago Police Department vehicles are Tahoes

Want to post a picture of cream, but the kind I'm thinking of might not even fly on Oppo with an NSFW tag, let alone main page.


Aaaah this brings me to a story: the story of one of my greatest regrets.

Not here in the US! Definitely ups the dream car factor that (at least where I'm from) it'd be close to one-of-a-kind

EDIT: There was only one E39 M5 Touring (prototype) ever built by BMW! The M5T wasn't mass produced between the '95 E34 and the '05 E60. No M5T models of ANY generation have ever been sold in the US!

Oh I definitely sympathize. Before I actually had cars to work on, I must have built about 500 models on dealership websites. It was quite a shock when I got my first car and my options were "fix the alternator or walk to school" instead of "heated seats or premium leather"

As somebody whose Dad used to own one, it's more like:

"Let me punish this shitty car for daring to have an S badge by driving it like a Star Wars podracer"

I get the feeling you've built this many many times on

E39 M5 TOURING! 400hp V8 in a fucking WAGON!!!!

I already have an E39 525iT/5 with all available sport packages and an M5 front bumper (see below). It's in perfect condition except for high mileage on the drivetrain and I got it for $6k. I'm pretty much waiting for something to go wrong in the engine (or the spare

Little late on the swing there, A-Rod

I wish there were downvotes on Jalopnik we could all bury you in. <3

Not to downplay how awful this is, but can we talk about the seemingly mandatory long-pants-and-sheer-socks combo for both genders of police? Woof.

EDIT: Oh God, that poor trampled officer is a woman. Her face is so swollen I couldn't tell. Geez. WTF.

Not to mention going 20MPH straight through an intersection with a Prius crossing the other way

Replied to the wrong comment, disregard this

Taking off the brakes adds lightness. And you can still skid the rear wheel if you're strong enough

For all we know, his dick very well MAY be a two-time champion

Am I the only one who saw the image and thought this was Lebron's new protective cup?