
Rain is Belgian Sunshine

At least it didn’t snow like the WEC race at Spa!

It’s a car race, not a boat race.

Running in the wet is fine. Running in a track that is soaked and streams of water are running across the surface and water is pooling in the corners, not so much.

Jesus h. Crisps. They can put man on the moon. They can edit DNA. They can even elect brain dead imbeciles to both the US and UK govts. Run a race car in wet conditions? Not so much.

Guardrails and barriers are not kind to motorcyclists either... and the course is so long that is impractical.  I think limiting them to 500cc would be a place to start.

Unpopular opinion: they should install reinforced barriers on some of the more treacherous turns as well (evo corner, George, engineer, etc.). I’m not sure how feasible or effective this would be, but it’s always terrible to hear that someone has gone off.

I don’t know how race organizers could have mitigated an act of God, but I feel terrible for Alaphilippe. To ride so well for three weeks, and have it taken away near the last minute by something out of your control has to be beyond devastating.

They lose money on every one they sell but BY GOD they are going to make it up with increased volume!

Anyone else wondering how long they can exist like this? Tesla seems to exemplify a new era of company that’s overvalued and under performing, makes no profit but continues to get capital somehow. It makes no sense. Uber and Lyft are the same.

Is it possible to build electric cars profitably in the long term?

Wait 35 million? Average Alfa price ~65k x 50 = 3.25 million. They had other problems for sure. 

If the dealership is 35 million in debt, the money was likely going out a side door.

This started up some interesting conversations at the office. Some of us found price changes, some noticed the color changes, some noticed the changes for the 3's performance price change, but googled and couldnt backup how they found it.

Those tires are also constructed much differently than a street tire. This is an absurd comparison.

And as you said, these are mandated, not chosen by the teams for ultimate performance.

Big wheels are a necessity because people keep buying huge cars with huge wheel wells. Stop buying stupid and bad cars. 

You know, it is nuts. Everyone says “low profile tires are required for performance!” Well, not all performance cars have low profile tires. (admittedly, these tire profiles are mandated, but you can’t tell me that your Hyundai with 1" high sideways can outperform this vehicle with the fat sidewalls).

Yes, Williams, early 1980's.

Not the first time a company has had a rouge employee tweet something stupid.

Or the check is about to bounce and they are trying to get out of the contract before Haas sues them.

You’re racing to the point too quickly.