But if Catalonians gain independence what next? Independence for the Basques? For Galicians? For Castillians and the Canary Islands?
But if Catalonians gain independence what next? Independence for the Basques? For Galicians? For Castillians and the Canary Islands?
The Patriots didn’t, as you wrote, try “time after time to just hand the game over”. The Bills defense made the greatest QB of all time look like shit. They’re a very legit unit. I know that ragging on the Bills is low hanging fruit but let’s give credit where it’s due.
The Smiths - William, It Was Really Nothing (TOTP - starts at :48)
I was going to make a Shadowrun joke but figure most people only know the game because of that awesome online first-person shooter.
It’s insane to me that in the year of our Lord 2019 we’re still having “Cam Newton is selfish” conversations. The guy has had no offensive line, no noteworthy receivers, and a platoon of overrated running backs basically ever since he came in the league, and has muscled them to numerous playoff berths and a Super Bowl.
Once again Trump blatantly says the silent part out loud. Saudi Arabia calls the shots. Gotta protect that oil and that cash flow.
Well, that’s the problem: so many people are failing to do their jobs properly that the normal mechanisms for dealing with this kind of thing aren’t working. We’re in uncharted territory here.
Surprising that a post with physics as its hooke gets so many stars.
You are literally running a chud movement. Stop virtue signaling you creepy degenerate.
It was nice of the Bills to give him a try. It was also nice of the Colts to give him a try.
Admittedly, I’m a lib-tard from Chicago (even worse Hyde Park), but Northern Wisconsin has as many rednecks as anyplace I’ve every had the misfortune of passing through (and I worked in Mississippi for 1/2 a year.) It’s not just Trump-country, it is the reason Wisconsin continues to elect local leaders who shit all…
aaaaand... boom goes the dynamite.
Good luck, please remember to take time for yourself to grieve and release some of this emotional baggage from the garbage you have to take in and communicate to all of us. Your efforts are appreciated while also recognized as being a finite resource.
It is very upsetting, to say the least. Thanks for the support.
I’m a Lions fan living in NW PA. I took my family (including my 12 year old daughter) to the Lions/Bills game last year. Within 150ft of where we parked the car, she saw 2 keg stands and a drunken woman writhing in the mud. My wife gave me a furious look and all I could do was shrug my shoulders and mumble “Bills…
I suspect he doesn’t include “serial abuser” on his resume.
I’ve followed Zlatan’s career since he played for Juventus and he’s one of the few shit talkers that I don’t find annoying. The guy has had an absolutely amazing career that has spanned two decades and he’s still wrecking dudes in the MLS at 37 years old. He adds charisma to his arrogance. If you haven’t read his…