Heaven help them, why? They are out there doing their thing, exactly what they're told. Is that going to change?
Heaven help them, why? They are out there doing their thing, exactly what they're told. Is that going to change?
But hey, give 'em a job, and they'll do it, whatever it is! They seemed excited about that statement.
This is all sorts of fucked up. I suppose military members are conditioned to accept and ‘respect’ any position of authority, that’s sorta the whole point, but what good is it to not care for the man in the position, then? Why bother even having an opinion, if you’ll support the office regardless?
I'm not interested in defending this at all, but the article says the issue is with people not including the day and month of their birth on the ballot, which is hardly a small clerical mistake. Anything that requires such minute details matching as you say is ridiculous, but isn't DOB pretty standard across, well,…
Can we please, PLEASE stop accepting ‘apologies’ aimed at “those who were/are offended”? It is the worst kind of semantic weaseling out of personal responsibility. The reason for an apology is for YOUR actions, not that other were offended by them. People should offer their contrition because they recognize they're…
The statement from the one kid not doing it said they were told to by the photographer. Maybe they were all in on it from the beginning, but it's possible that they were just being stupid and the adult taking the photos is the real Nazi.
But that's the rub...they're never going to disenfranchise the rural white Republican voter. It's literally the only group they want voting.
Why do people concede so readily? Politeness or decorum? It's an outdated notion and totally unnecessary. I want my candidates to fight until the final whistle, especially in this voter-suppressed, gerrymandered-to-hell, corrupt race.
Oh, believe me, the widening gulf in pedagogy across disciplines is vast. I learned calculus for three semesters entirely from pre-recorded lectures at home, and problem solving in class. Flipped classrooms are becoming very popular. And having a premade slide deck with the figures from the textbook is a godsend for…
And I'll go one step further, just cause I'm salty still :) I was able to borrow a copy of the book, but since the school bookstore didn't seem the codes independently, I couldn't use my financial aid credit at the beginning of the semester to purchase it, adding another layer to the weirdness.
Something that I've seen that keeps them clinging to relevance is selling the book to the Prof, along with premade homework and slides. If the class uses the book, even if the student has a free copy, they need to purchase an online access code to do the homework, with no recourse if the student cannot or doesn't want…
My position comes from being a high school dropout turned returning adult learner, now working on my PhD. And, really, I don’t mean to say that the texts have no value to the use in the immediate, rather, the permanent nature of them as books that will likely never see another use after the 10 or 15 week term is what…
I take umbrage with just about every part of your argument againdt digital media, though I get where you’re coming from.
The game isn’t exactly hard to play. There’s a single number, more or less, that goes up with better stuff. Otherwise, point and shoot in the linear level and don’t die. Use your 3 abilities. Queue for the things it tell you to queue for.
Did you include the Year 2 Season Pass of extra content for hardcore fans?!
There’s always going to be a loud self interested voice, this is a gaming community yyoure talking about after all. Hell, people commenting in support of this think that crunching devs are trying to get a game out FOR THEM. I can’t think of anything more delusionally self important. And on the internet, most gamers…
They’re not suffering ffor you, they’re suffering for the shareholders and corporate masters. And buying the game at launch or preordering to play it as soon as you can just drives the behavior.
But it also serves their own purposes. I mean, we joke about people too stupid to vote in their own self interest all the time, but the white women who are staunchly Republicans are not suffering for voting this way. Their beliefs may be selfish, backwards, and rooted in their role as possessions of conservative men,…
This is our mirror, don’t get sick looking in it. This is our Blue Wave. This is our continued inaction. This is our two party country, one party 100% pro guns for paranoia and money, and the other unsure how to go about opposing it, and scaring away from mentioning it in most parts of the country. This is us as a…
Not that voting is ever a bad idea, but do you really, really think voting every two years is ever, ever going to move the needle on gun violence in America? A full half the country is in the bag for the party of the 2nd amendment. The Southern and Flyover states will never suddenly realize that they should vote for…