
Isn’t this the definition of an easter egg? “More than just an easter egg” implies that they put them there because they had some grander plan, like having the finale of Rebels occur just before/after Rogue One or something.

Is it time to unretire Fuck Scott Gimple?

I’d mostly agree with you, but there’s one other thing that would be well out of the realm of human perception...

Luckily I have, you know, facts to support my comment. You may want to rewatch Planet of the Apes if you think they share a timeline.

Next thing you know, he’ll ride a motorcycle!

I didn’t take it that the exhaust port itself was the weakness; rather, the weakness was that any sort of explosion in the reactor would cause the whole station to go up.


No spoilers, but the scene at the end of Rogue One with Darth Vader might be the most badass thing I’ve ever seen in anything Star Wars related.

Anyone else got taken out of the movie by how uninspired and non-Star Wars sounding the score was??

On a news post about Onechanbara, an ecchi game about bikini-clad zombie hunters, I came upon a simple post raising a good question. The poster, whom we’ll refer to as Steve (because I can’t find the old post to tell you who he was), wrote the following: “Honest question. It seems like every time there’s anything

learn how to present your arguments in a more sophisticated, mature way

Here’s what Hot Rod will look like in The Last Knight. What car, or cars, he’ll transform to are currently being kept a secret.

I love how we’ve reached a level of misanthropy where we decide that somebody isn’t a bad guy when we realize that their plan was “kill all humans.”

“Predictable” aka the Internet (yes capitalized referring to the hive mind) has spent almost as much hours if not more collectively deducing the series as the amount of man hours it took to create this show.

Hmm I’m not sure about anyone else but I’m getting a slight Dragon Age Inquisition vibe.

Fetus Deletus

Urgh she’s too cute. As if I didn’t have enough of a thing for her.

Why is it a bad thing now for a show to piece everything together correctly so people can figure it out? It’s worse when they hit you out of no where and give you no clue.