
And Dimetrodon isn’t even an dinosaur.

Surprised I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere! I noticed it immediately. Then again I had my easter egg eye on maximum setting.

I need more Jeffrey Combs in every single one of my universes.

I think they are larger resistance ships (There’s another one on the top right area) looking at that B-Wing-esk cockpit. Kinda a larger version of Leia’s shuttle from TFA. Someone just jumped to a conclusion with it and it’s being falsely spread.

It once again got clipped off in TLJ.

I’m glad you dislike those cape claps. I’ve always disliked them, and hearing that you do too makes me feel validated, haha.

I think that comes from an excess of even lighting.

The main problem I have with this is that based on the time travel rules established in the first two, the future is deterministic. It cannot be changed. Everything that transpires in the movies has already happened, that’s the futility of the machines’ plan. Kyle Reese proves this in the first movie. By not

Dolores made a new body for herself and uploaded “someone” into robo-Charlotte, we don’t know who yet.

So for the Citroën, can you kick those things to enter your door unlock combination?

There’s something about this song that’s just so incredibly satisfying. Granted that’s probably one of the literal definitions of a “good song” but... well... you know. I think like many people I discovered it through Rock Band, but it went on to become one of the defining songs of my High School life, especially

Google Suminia and tell me if you’d want one of those waking you up in the middle of the night like a cat wanting to be fed...

The assumption was that you were being sarcastic, yet coming off as serious as a joke. 

Huh, I just now noticed that Westerosi dragons apparently have 6 fingers...

Rise of the Skywalker”.... I wonder how many typos of this movie’s title are going to exist by the time it comes out.

I use AccuBattery, it does a decent job.

I had the same issue on my work computer. Sadly the only solution was in fact to re-image my machine. :(

Can you install this program, disable what you like, then remove it afterwards? I am considering using it on our base corporate image at my company to disable things, but I don’t want to keep it installed when given to users later.

What if say, I need to lift a 227 pound fancy modern washing machine out of it’s drain pan from a tiny closet and I weigh 120 with tiny arms. That’s the kind of answer I am currently in need of.

Someone had renamed their Rhydon to something then back to Rhydon. This kept it flagged as a “nickname” and just like the main series nicknames stick when you evolve.