
i think the best way to do replay is to institute a 30-second cap. if you can’t figure it out in the window then the call stands. you can fix the total fuck ups without it turning into what we saw last night

Really? On a fly ball to mid center field that’s taking the fielder away from home plate, when you are the tying run, the 3rd base coach is telling you to go, and it takes a near perfect throw to get you out, you’d just refuse to run? Well you obviously have never played baseball above a tee-ball level. At that point

I might be pilloried for this, but I'm with Bledsoe on this one and I heartily endorse his hilarious ball-chucking.

My favorite thing about this whining from Durant and Kyrie, specifically, is that both of them are launching movies and shows and web series and then complain about too much attention. It’s fucking bizarre.

Now playing

The defender actually directed it into the net!

He’s just learned how to fall without injuring himself. if he just falls and braces with his hands there’s a chance he could break his wrists. better to take the momentum where it goes and dissipate the energy over the length of his body.

Kind of a flop, but also kind of a controlled fall? Like yes it looks like he “put himself down” after the push, but isn’t that also the safest way to handle being pushed in the back if you are 7 feet tall instead of stumbling around like a gazelle and breaking something? 

Smart seems like he’s ‘bout that life. Embiid seems like he’s ‘bout Twitter.

Flagrant 2 all day, but that’s a monster flop from Embiid right? Anyway, here’s what I found in my extensive research for this comment...Marcus Smart is listed at 6'4" 225 lbs., which I think I believe. Embiid is listed at 7' flat, 249 lbs., fuckin’ way on earth.

But the very best part of this is Smart looking not even the least bit concerned about huge-ass Embiid angrily rushing him as refs and various teammates scrambled to cut off his approach...Smart has been in enough of these to know that most of them end with the would-be brawlers being conveniently separated just in

I’m not sure where in the video he “dragged her to the ground”.

Come on, based on the video you can’t honestly believe this person deserves criminal charges...

Agreed. That video shows him grabbing for his own phone, and then the chair slowly topples over and she harmlessly falls off of it as she maneuvers to prevent him from getting his property back. It’s not a pretty image, and I don’t think either of the people involved are acting like adults, but he should be arrested

He’s a big asshole probably, but the video didn’t really look to me like what I think of when I hear “dragging her off a metal chair”. He grabbed at the phone, she lost her balance trying to hold it away from him, and the chair started to tip. Neither of them should be ripping the phone out of each other’s hands but

Now playing

Here he is, viciously knocking her to the ground.

Probably because he didn’t actually pull her to the ground?

Not just that, but exudes sheer joy while doing it. I fucking hate Duke, but seeing how well these guys get along, always smiling and hugging each other, just having fun, it almost melts my cold cynical heart.

It’s so rare to see a dude who’s both way better than everyone he plays against and tries harder than everyone he plays against. I’m completely demoralized just watching those highlights.

So he was suspended for 13 games.