Maybe some people are being racist, but “she squeezed my hand too hard?” Really? C’mon man. That’s just ridiculous.
Maybe some people are being racist, but “she squeezed my hand too hard?” Really? C’mon man. That’s just ridiculous.
I’ve only started following soccer in the past year or so and am still learning the nuances of the game, but man, LA Galaxy plays some really, really bad defense. LAFC had their brain farts on defense as well (especially on the play that led to big Z’s goal), but the Galaxy just let guys walk the ball into the box all…
Be honest. You only looked at the pictures, right?
Yes. He should have held the ball. No chance he was getting that out. Game was probably over anyway, but that put it out of reach.
I think I will enjoy this post, when I have an hour to sit down and read the entire thing.
And then a couple of plays later he threw the ball about 5 feet wide of first on a slow grounder that allowed a couple of more runs to score. Also not an easy play. It was a rough inning for Bregman.
especially in a series where your lineup has not yet fully figured out which direction to face at the plate
For what it’s worth, after Giri, you are definitely my 2nd favorite DS writer.
Yeah. The score was 1-0 at 42 minutes when one of Newcastle’s players got a red card. Seems to be an important detail.
Ogletree practically stopped running (presumably because he pulled his hamstring) and Peppers couldn’t slow down and/or didn’t see him.
Giri! I’ve missed your coverage of the US Open. I was starting to worry you had left Deadspin. Nice to see you’re still here! I hope you do a piece on the women’s final. Always enjoy your tennis analysis.
Nadal taking so long between Medvedev’s serve bugged me. It’s one thing for Nadal to take too long between his serves. Everyone knows that’s the way he likes to play, and the ump needs to enforce the rule. But it’s BS to do it during the opponents’ serve.
Do you have backup or are you trolling? My impression is that Federer hardly ever takes medical timeouts, and the commentators noted multiple times that he has never retired from a match - ever.
I think LionYeti meant that Roger should have retired from the match, not that he should retire from tennis. In the fourth set, it was clear that something was bothering him and that if it went to a fifth set, there was probably no way Roger could win.
“Hey, at 3:30, is that the kid dancer from the original Work It video?”
Thompson strikes me as one of the more reasonable Deadspin writers. He’s still got to tow the company line about greedy owners and player empowerment, but at least he acknowledges the “fair perception” that Harper has been a bust.
They didn’t even include his best highlight from the Rockies series (sorry, there’s an ad). He is an absolute delight to watch.
So this guy can probably hit 96 off a mound?
I noticed that too. But he’s also not pitching off a mound. Since I have no pitching experience, I’m not sure how much of a difference that makes for speed, if any.