
I recently picked it back up myself, on a not to be named private server, and found I missed the old school grind. I grew up playing UO and Everquest and really feel modern MMORPGs are to........what's the word? Convenienced?

Elvaan forever! Enjoy the ride... this is still my favorite MMO of all-time!

What racist taunts? I was told they chanted “build the wall” at him, that never happened. It appears that they joined in on the drum chant after Phillips got in the face of one of their students.

If you actually watch the long-form videos only one group engages in racist, homohobic taunting, and it’s not the high

I’ve read a lot of things about this incident these last couple of days.  I like yours the best. Thank you.

 You're being far too tolerant for modern leftists.

It’s adorable that you think your rational, intelligent post will have any effect on the far left extremist internet lynch mob.

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Did you really not feel that you got your moneys worth from the single player?

The game was worth it for the single player. I moved on for now from online until if/when we ever get solo or invite only sessions. I just want to build my character, explore the scenery, and listen to music in peace while I play.

Okay, cool. So how about that auto-aim?

Hot take: all the cosmetics in this game are utter garbage and none are worth spending a single penny on.

Well then. Looks like the decision to hold off buying this game was a smart one.

“it’s become clear that getting everything without opening your wallet is extremely difficult, and the whole thing feels like a scheme to get players to spend.”

Nope, this is just more racist bullshit that gets the usual kudos around here.

WaaaaaWaaaaa my game wont save.

as long as the dems keep sitting around wasting their chances to cultivate any real meaningful connections with voters or develop any real platforms, then its a solid lock.

It’s just in how you present the numbers. Statistics are pretty famous for being massaged to fit whatever narrative you are trying to make.

As I get older time is at more and more of a premium, heh. Especially MMOs. Still, can’t hurt to have a look.

Just so we’re clear, you’re complaining about having to put 100 hours into a game that you openly claim you tend to put multiple hundreds or even thousands of hours into in other entries (unless I misread what you meant by that).

Advertising aside, this is a pretty good deal, so long as you aren’t eyeing a Scorpio later this year.

Advertising aside, this is a pretty good deal, so long as you aren’t eyeing a Scorpio later this year.