
Time to re-dessicate that heart of yours.

This deserves a round of applause.

it has escaladed quickly.

For any good game played by a fair player the reward is unlocking through real gameplay, as someone who grew up through the Intellivision, Sega Genesis & pretty much every console I enjoy working to show my abilities & hone my skill, gamesmanship can be very rewarding mentally. The players who are richer or abuse

Ugh, “a lot of cheaters were simply doing this to protest against R*’s ridiculous online economy”.

People with MASSIVE amounts of cash in their accounts (say, $10M+) are a huge pain to deal with because they have that much cash.

Wrong, I’ve made $280 plus million doing heists & missions everyday I have time & good team mates. Anyone who cries about Sharkcards should look at the game model Rockstar gave us, you can buy & unlock absolutely everything. Nothing is hidden by a paywall as a first point of access, you can earn everything 100% legit

The folders are a godsend. I have my disk games, downloadable games, and then PS4 apps. The only game that isn’t in a folder is Destiny, due to frequency of use. Now if only I could sort the media apps order, I’d be all set!

“That’s not what my words meant, I meant something else that I didn’t write!”

Sony makes me want to punch squirrels right now.

You do know it officially came out on EA Access today right? Yes you could get it earlier with copies and such. Today they just released a super long patch. I play about 1500+ EASHL games a year with friends. They are making the small gameplay adjustments that are needed. It will never get FIFA becuse it says 1/10th

and this one has a player from the team i root for on the cover, instead of a player from the hated rival team, therefore this version is infinitely better and i will buy it.

I love me some NHL 16.

I think this is going to be a waste, even though it is being done for the right reasons. They need to just scrap working on future DLC and improvements for The Division, and just start working on getting The Division 2 up and out the door. The game is too scarred, too deep, and I just fear for the amount of wasted

I can’t agree more. I always thought it was to the detriment of the game that CoD and MW made it even EASIER for players who were excelling in kills to stomp an even bigger hole into the other team.

I figured, “Instead of boosts, Why not optional handicaps?”

After “3 Kills” you play in black and white for a small exp or

Plus, in many games, it leads to people worrying only about their kills and ignoring the objectives, and also punishing players that actually play the game - disarming the bomb, playing defense at a flag, etc.

You do realize that someone is actually PLAYING the game and CHOSE to do those things, right? It’s not forced upon you. It’s pretty clear that there’s a certain level of freedom from the get-go. If you wanna go out and explore and kill stuff, I'm sure you can.

Yeah all right mate. We all know you’ll be on this game like a rash once the 11 out of 10 reviews come along and it's the hot talk of the season.

Guy complains that 0.5% of game is bad, therefore the entire game is bad. (I’m assuming its a 50 hour game).

Dude, they are trying to introduce you to the world and to the party that you will be leading by showing you cutscenes like these first.It only seems logical since this being a mainly heavy story RPG needs to rely on character development and flesh out the characters and present them to the player in the first few