
As far as I remember, this has been there since the day Twitch streaming launched on X1. Like, many, many months ago. So... Little late to the party on this one, but yeah, I agree!

Is that you, E?

This is the beauty of C-SPAN: It's TV without the production. So, some very stuffy, often well-rehearsed people end up in absurd scenes.

You could actually see them turn into eight-year-old boys over the course of the segment. So good.

This is f-ing comedy gold right here. COMEDY GOLD I TELL YOU!

This is the greatest fucking thing I have ever seen.

I'm sure you can break away from constant repetition.

PS4 and found like... 1 bug. And this was before any patches. :p


Now there is a game I would pay good money for an HD remake of...

This. So much this. I like to play games on MY schedule, being a business owner and Father,and the way the make you adhere to their schedule of weeklies, and Xur only makes me think they knew their content was lacking completely, so they needed to DRAG out the GRINDING. The whole " ooops your shit outta luck this

I don't think the weekend part matters as much as the fact that your progress is dependent on whatever Xur's inventory happens to be on any given week. I think you should be able to upgrade any old exotic to a new one whenever you want. I also think it should carry all of your old upgrades over. If both of those

Reinstalling Skyrim in 3... 2... 1...

The Dark Below has turned out to be the biggest disappointment of Destiny so far. The vanilla game had so many things wrong with it, but it was still an enjoyable experience. The Dark Below is not, for me.

I think your example is a little off. This would be equivalent to Blizzard locking players who didn't purchase the expansion out of the weekly raids that they were able to do before the expansion came out.

You really should go outside.

(Much of the content for the Expansion, including Eris Morn, was actually contained in the late November patch, which was a couple of gigs, and was data-mined by at that time)

The people who bought the game in the first place are "paying customers" too.

Removing a feature itself is risky, it can create all sorts of bugs (any kind of "change" is risky in software dev). The main problem is, as you said, upper management, with inflexible release dates, so you can't push anything back usually.

Is this the first "Demaster"? It came out a year ago and is now being re-released on a previous gen.

To be fair, offering brand new games like Far Cry 4 and The Crew to those who paid for the season pass is a commendable move.