
Yeah, Rockstar. Remaster RDR for Xbox One, PS4, and PC, please. Maybe add a first-person mode like GTAV has now, but even without anything new I'd get that game again.

I want a Rockstar "Orange Box" package: some combination of Red Dead, Max Payne 3, L.A. Noire and/or GTA4. It'll never happen, but I would definitely pay for that (if only because my 360 died and I can't play Red Dead anymore).

Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim in one collection.

I'd like to see Mass Effect 1 remastered - but only if they revamp in game UI, itemization and inventory management.

Red Dead Redemption. Dammit I love that game. One of the only games that has ever elicited an emotional reaction from me.

"we have encountered unexpected issues that were not apparent in our internal test environment"

Please support The Witcher 3, then. It does everything right.

awesome part is, you don't have to if you play the game. Seriously, I've had no issues with missions. If you complete your social club missions you'll be a freaking millionaire.

Let me be the first to tell all Master Race to keep the fuck out.

I agree. I have to assume it's a slow news day when this stuff gets posted because it has no moment of interest. What would it matter if ET and Star Wars are in the same universe? It doesn't mean Star Wars is real because ET was a movie filmed on earth and someday we'll discover the empire.

Ugh, why does everything NEED to be connected. What happened to the good days of Easter Eggs, plain simple easter eggs that mean nothing more than a nod or homage to another game? There is a Halo Easter Egg in Destiny but does that mean they are connected...noooo. I get people want to think everything is a Marvel

First person drive-bys?

Huell already knows why.

Devs just need to say this up front, it may still be complete BS, but at least it doesn't feel like "Ohh shit, they caught on, time to cover our asses"

As much as I am loath to count HD remixes as "core exclusives", Master Chief Collection is at least new versions of games. You can't play the HD remixes of the Halo games on any other system.

No, the whole idea with the PSN version was to tease you into buying the full version. The limitations were on the number of tracks and cars available, not on the interaction you could have with other players and clubs.

Let me quote that for you: "These are not the official figures so we advice readers to take it with massive grain of salt and consider it as rumor."

Also, it only states first week sales. I'm sure that the DriveClub sales fell off after the first week when all the issues were reported. Meanwhile FH2 has had no issues.