
Different gamma setting. TV has a recommended gamma setting of 2.4 while PCs use sRGB and that specifies a gamma of 2.2. They obviously looped the signal through the same recording device and didn't adjust for the change in the signal. 2.4 will look more "punchy" but lose details in dark areas. During the comparison

I think the game was in development before MS gave the X1 the power boost following the lack of necessary kinect. Still kinda crazy the gap between them. Graphics aren't everything, but Sony definitely learned how to make better hardware after the PS3.

That's true. However, I've also checked some images from websites which use "comparison tools" and all that. They actually look exactly the same, down to the pixel. I can't find any example where people see any version as superior in this game.

Man, I can never see the difference in these videos. Are my eyes the problem, or does it all just seem like different levels of brightness to anybody else?

So yeah...

I didn't see you list this so I am not sure if you saw it or not, but when you double tap the Xbox button and tap the "X" button you can record the last thirty seconds. It comes in handy if you have a noisy environment that makes it hard for the Kinect to hear you (I hate muting my music to use it) or if you do not

The potentials huge but nothings been confirmed yet, the expansions could add 4 hours of decent narrative driven gameplay new multplayer modes (Planet wide 100 man games pls).....or it could just be more repetitive strike missions killing the same enemies over and over again and a few multiplayer maps.

Maybe so, but compare the simple techniques used in Halo, the characters, cutscenes, lore. Everything was better. It's like comparing a graduate student's literature assignment to a 5th grader's poem.

Even if stuff was cut, I don't think they've done a good job creating a coherent or enjoyable story. If they added stuff in as expansions, what I've seen of the "story" just isn't good. It feels like all the people that made the Halo campaigns left the building a long time ago.

I have already moved on; Destiny was a massive disappointment and a similar sized time sink.

Major issue? Hahaha that's a funny joke..
I spent a few hours on Venus where that crashed "pirate" ship is fighting the fallen and vex and ended up getting myself 6 rare ships and a couple legendary engrams.
I ended up getting myself a few legendary drops doing strikes yesterday and finally ended up getting a legendary

I wish people could play a game the way it's meant to be played.. Instead of using these pathetic exploits.
Thanks for posting this Kotaku!
Now we'll have more lazy sack of shits who got all the good gear but still suck at the game.

I just went from having zero interest in this game to wanting to play it. Well done.

It really baffles the mind that their 'solution.' is to better communicate, rather than it is to say, have the item drop the color that it dropped for. If they tweaked the drop rates a bit and had it so that a legendary engram would drop a legendary, they'd pretty much kill this negative aspect of the game. Not only

You and me both

First of all, Destiny isn't an old school MMO, or even a fully fleshed out MMO, so why it would have a loot system from an old MMO is beyond me.

Im not disputing the mechanics of the two, but the content. Destiny has quite possibly the most solid gun play ive ever experienced. Its the playing of the same 4 zones and 6 strikes over and over that have killed this for me.

The doing strikes over doesn’t bother me so much, it bothers me that their plan for the game was, ok after you finish it you can just rerun the strikes, and they only designed like 5. If you’re whole endgame plan is retreading the story content then shouldn’t there have been more varied content?

I really don't care about the loot cave thing, but this one's pretty crappy. If anything they should've just reduced the amount of shards you get from one piece, to say..1

yea, this is disappointing. i had plans to do her missions and get me some shards tonight, but no more :(