
To be honest, I play games to take myself out of my current place in life. This game to me seems pretty epic, and might have allowed me to enjoy myself, being well, myself for once. It might seem like it is a job, but it's also in a different time period, a different, place, where you can be someone else. A true

EVE Online is solely built around the same basic idea. You can either pirate and attack people for upgrades or you can mine and run a shop and increase your abilities that way. People don't complain about how much of a 'job' EVE is ;p

Wrong. Wrong. Just plain wrong.

i dont have the time to be playing this at all... I work 10 hour shifts most of the time... mario kart on wii u is my fix.

Yeah it's random, and that's kinda bad in a game that's suposed to be played with friends. As if your friend aren't as lucky as you, you will not be able to play with them.

What's the highest level you can achieve? .. And why rush the highest level? There are only 3 classes! It isn't WoW with multiple race and class combinations plus two factions. But it's okay! If I were younger I'd probably still be sinking weeks into games I loved.

This is one of my problems with the game. Once you hit lvl 2o it suddenly goes from effort based (xp) to random luck by hopefully getting armor with a decent light rating. What makes this even more stupid is the fact that the main way to get armor (emgrams) are governed by a flawed system where you don't always get a

Owning the game forever and renting it are not the same thing. You're also forgetting that with streaming you're getting an inferior unpredictable product with low frames/resolution and potential lag. Meanwhile you can find RE5 Gold on Ebay or used bins for 10 to 15 bucks. It makes no sense!

90% of games nowadays can be beaten in a week? Many games are 40+ hours. Many gamers are adults now with family and kids. We don't beat games in a week.

Then don't do it. Simple as that. It isn't as if this is the only place in the game that drops loot and it certainly doesn't look like fun, but this is nothing but a theme park MMO with random loot that you have to grind instead of having the loot be rewards for dungeons so you can't be surprised when people look for

I have spent 3 hours farming mission 1 on the moon, got 3 purple Engrams. Farmed murder cave, got 2 purple Engrams. Played pvp (which I'm not greatbat), got 1 purple engram.

The big problem with Destiny's loot system right now is composed of several smaller problems

This is the kind of stuff that turns me away from MMO's. I think its great that people are having fun, but I couldn't do it myself. Sitting there shooting at a cave for hours just to get better gear to shoot at that cave some more sounds really off putting to me.

Soooo how is Destiny planning to stay alive so long? Boring people to death?

From what I'm hearing, it sounds like you actually can get checkpoints within the raid, which is great, but then the other details muck it up. You have a week to complete it, and you have to play with the same fire team leader in order to pick up at the check points. You're basically required to do this thing with the

So true, it is sickening. The "Bold New World" portion irks me the worst, because it is a blatant lie. I'm beginning to wonder just how much of the game may have been taken out to be resold as $20 DLC packs.

I waiting for this game for four years. Four. Years. I was actually saddened by how shallow the worlds turned out to be, and how hollow all of Bungie's promises were.

"See all of that? All of that is playable terrain!" Nope.
"A Rich, Cinematic Story." NOPE.
"A world you want to live in. A universe you care about."

I like that stone cold Luigi stare as he's throwing the money.

why gas is $4 a gallon

I like how the girl is almost completely uninterested. She almost appears to become less interested the more money he throws out.