
If this was a straight couple on the hallmark channel, yes it would be lame.

Look, as a lesbian who can’t bring her girlfriend home for the holidays, I am absolutely being pandered to. And I am HERE for it. I plan on sobbing my eyes out and watching this like... as many times as possible this year.

Also, Tegan and Sara wrote a Christmas song for the soundtrack.

People on the internet are

Sadly, I live outside the US and Hulu properties rarely make it across the border, let alone overseas. Nothing’s been said about international availability that I could find, but I’d much rather buy it than torrent it. This is the first Christmas movie with a queer cast, queer writers, and a story based on the real

He was a rescue pup. 

When families, often black and Latinx families, move into majority white districts they are sometimes followed home by private investigators to see if they actually live in the district. If they don’t or don’t live there full time they can be tired and imprisoned for doing so.


Found the J. Cole fan.

This is an odd point to make when CK is right there playing with the other kids, because one of the most popular kids around invited him over. There’s no “we” here. We aren’t making a collective decision on CK, a bunch of individuals are, and many of those individuals just aren’t ever going to forgive CK. Many others,

How about Dave Chappelle is allowed to be friends with whoever he wants, but everyone else is allowed to criticize Chappelle for choosing to be friends with a dude who forced women to watch him jack off.

So you like sexual assault and harassment? Good to know.

Don’t ask me why but I gave Kushner a beat face back in the beginning of quarantine

a long thread of chris d’elia hitting on, raping, and blackmailing young women, many who were underage

I seemed to have completely missed MGK’s turn from rapper to pop punk singer with emo boy voice. 

I can’t look at his photo and even imagine how Kate or any woman could be attracted to him. He looks like he went through puberty a week ago, not to mention that his beard looks like something we used in my theater class as character makeup. He also looks like someone who waits in a 7-11 parking lot to ask someone to

It doesn't surprise me that they're still together, but for me it doesn't decrease the creep factor at all. 

Part of me thinks “Good for her” for dating a younger man.

Watching a women my age date men younger than my eldest nephews is really eye opening. I understand that love is love, but damn, the average 22 year old looks like a baby to me.

To me, the most startling thing I read was when people who watched the show were surveyd, Carole Baskin was viewed most unfavorably by a wide margin. Cult Leader Doc Antle and Scam Master Jeff Lowe received much better grades than she did. The second most unfavorable character? Her husband Howard.

I have been making large crock pot meals. I enjoy cooking! I just don’t have the mental energy right now to handle trying to keep working, allergy season making me think every other day I may have the corona virus, and living with my husband 24/7. Yesterday I made a giant pot of Bhindi Masala and hot and sour soup.