
Shut..the entire..fuck up.

1 in 50  pregnancies are ectopic. (per the March of Dimes) We know that in Ohio alone at least 52 girls under 14 are raped and impregnated. None of these are rare enough to support your thesis.

It’s so rare, it only happens once a week in Ohio.

Music licensing is a bitch.

Now now, don’t go appending identities to those you don’t know personally.

its really fun hearing a gossip rag pretend like reality tv doesn’t make up 90% of their articles these days.

That Gawker article though… 

Strictly from a psychological presentation point of view, that ‘gaze’ is something that people are trained to do when you want people in a room to pay attention to what someone else is saying. In business, if you have a partner, you should always do this when they’re talking so other people will pay attention. In

And the very first step after finding a body is forensic confirmation that the body is actually who you think it is.

I’ve kind of already addressed this in another post - but basically I stated that the releasing of the body cam footage did damage because it painted her in the light of an abuser without any context. That abuser narrative has now grown and grown into this idea that she was unstable and he left her in the woods

Professional help? she was a victim of emotional abuse. she was crying because he was fucking smacking her. The d-bag jokes with the pigs about their crazy exes, having a laugh and belittling her while she’s sobbing and still recovering from the assault that she got blamed for and now she’s fucking dead.

Sad, predictable end for her and her family. The limits of benevolent sexism and any privilege society may give women is on display here. She looks the right part. She did every thing right and took a male “guardian” with her, she had the right family who cared about. Still she ended up murdered. Beyond getting people

I think I’m suffering pandemic/politics burnout or something. Where once I could find these celebrity antics amusing, they’re now tedious and exhausting. How I long for those carefree days of 2019!

Is it me or have there been a lot fewer posts on Jez lately?

Nope. Her modesty talk/slut shaming during MeToo makes her a dumpster fire pairing with the “no preggo models” guy.

Really? No mention that she’s using her neuroscience degree to push snake oil caffeine pills to unlock your brain power, or has had a bad history of anti-vaxx sentiments?

Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better. 

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

The post conservatorship Britney is going to be amazing. I can not wait for all the tea and music or, if she prefers, her well earned fabulous retirement with the hot boyfriend.

Ok. This is a bridge too far. What is this Gilbert Grape bullshit? I know this probably will get lost in the grays, but my brother has autism, and I made a short film with an autistic character in it so that we could increase representation. I went to great lengths to find an actor ACTUALLY ON THE SPECTRUM to play